For your delectation and delight, desultory dicta on the law of delicts.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Mangling of Causal Apportionment for Contribution

July 30th, 2021

After the advent of hyperstrict products liability law in the 1960s, Pennsylvania law fell into the trap of treating liability as joint and several, based upon pro rata, or per capita contribution. The Pennsylvania regime worked a tremendous hardship and unfairness, especially in the context of asbestos personal injury cases. If there were 10 companies sued in a mesothelioma case, each would be responsible under a molded verdict for a 10 percent share. This per capita molding would take place even if an non-settling defendant contributed less than1 percent of the asbestos exposure, and another, settled (or bankrupt) defendant was causally responsible for 50 percent of the friable asbestos in the workplace. Similarly, the per capita shares would be imposed even in a mesothelioma case involving one defendant that manufactured a crocidolite product that was 99.9 % causally responsible for the plaintiff’s demise.

In 2011, Pennsylvania enacted the Fair Share Act, which was remedial legislation designed to mitigate the unfairness of joint and several liability in mass, and other, tort litigation by abrogating joint and several liability in favor of apportionment of shares among multiple defendants, including settled defendants.[1]

Although the statute stated the general rule in terms of negligence,[2] the Act was clearly intended to apply to actions for so-called strict liability:

“(1) Where recovery is allowed against more than one person, including actions for strict liability, and where liability is attributed to more than one defendant, each defendant shall be liable for that proportion of the total dollar amount awarded as damages in the ratio of the amount of that defendant’s liability to the amount of liability attributed to all defendants and other persons to whom liability is apportioned under subsection.”[3]

The obvious point of the Fair Share Act was to require courts to mold verdicts among so-called joint tortfeasors by their relative, comparative contribution to the plaintiffs’ harm.[4]  Although the Act carved out exceptions for intentional torts and for cases in which a defendant receives 60% or greater share in the apportionment, the run-of-the mine asbestos case fell squarely under the scope of the Act’s remedial purpose.[5]

The 2011 Pennsylvania remedial legislation sought to reform the state’s wooden approach by reintroducing apportioned contribution to join and several liability.

In Roverano v. John Crane, the Pennsylvania trial judge fell under the ever-present spell of asbestos exceptionalism, when he refused to apply Fair Share Act, suggesting that “the jury was not presented with evidence that would permit an apportionment to be made by it.” The trial judge’s conclusory suggestion ignored the trial proofs, which would have given the jury ample basis for apportioning, given that the plaintiff had been exposed to different asbestos products in distinguishable amounts, and for distinguishable durations.[6] Furthermore, asbestos products have distinguishable, relative levels of friability, with different levels of respirable fiber exposure for the plaintiff.  As noted, in mesothelioma cases, the products will inevitably contain different kinds of asbestos minerals – crocidolite, amostie, or chrysotile – which have distinguishable and relatively different levels of potency to cause the plaintiff’s specific disease. Asbestos cases, whether involving asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma claims, are more amenable to apportionment of shares among co-defendants than are “red car / blue car” cases.

Riding in on a ray of light, the Pennsylvania Superior Court reversed the trial court’s asbestos exceptionalism, and held that upon remand, the court must:

“[a]pply a non-per capita allocation to negligent joint tortfeasors and strict liability joint tortfeasors; and permit evidence of settlements reached between plaintiffs and bankrupt entities to be included in the calculation of allocation of liability.”[7]

The lawsuit industry was riled by the intermediate appellate court’s decision.[8] Plaintiffs counsel like per capita – equal – shares because it allows them to settle with strong adversaries, which funds their trials against weaker or recalcitrant defendants. If they lose, they lose; but if they win, they have minimized the offsets for the large contributors to their clients’ harms. The regime of equal pro capita contribution also allows to extort large settlements from minor defendants. The force behind this extortion is amplifed by the inability of all sued defendants to obtain offsets for the shares of settled or non-sued bankrupt defendants.

The Roverano plaintiff appealed from the Superior Court’s straightforward application of a remedial statute. At oral argument, Justice Baer invoked the specter of “junk science” appearing before juries in the form of evidencce for apportioned shares:[9]

“Respectfully, your theory is interjecting junk science. We’ve never held that duration of contact corresponds with culpability.”[10]

Six of the seven justices on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, however, did not see the light on apportionment.[11] Although the majority allowed the bankrupts, whether sued or not, to be placed on the verrdict sheet for a potential offset to the liability of the judgment defendants, the Court held that the Fair Share Act did “not specifically preempt Pennsylvania common law favoring per capita apportionment, and percentage apportionment in asbestos cases is impossible of execution.”[12]

The majority in Roverano demonstrated a singular lack of understanding of the record evidence, and the law of apportionment. Perhaps the Court’s best defense was that it was snuckered by the professional testifier, Dr. Arthur Frank, who described all asbestos diseases as “dose responsive, meaning that as the dose of asbestos increases so does the likelihood of disease.”[13] Frank proffered an obscurantist explanation:

“[T]here is scientifically or medically no exposures you can leave out that make up the cumulative exposure. It is the totality of the exposure that comes from the variety of products that people are exposed to that give them their cancer and all of the exposures they have day after day end up increasing their risk and if they get the disease, you have to say it was in part causative of it.”[14]

Frank thus concluded that each product that increased Mr. Roverano’s exposure to asbestos contributed to his risk of developing lung cancer. Frank’s opinions beg the question whether each product contributed to plaintiff’s risk of developing cancer in proportion to that product’s contribution to the total, cumulative fiber burden in the tissue that became malignant.

The defense causation expert witnesses, Dr. Alan Pope and Dr. James Crapo, both testified that Roverano had no increased risk for lung cancer, given that he did not have evidence of asbestosis, which is a prerequisite for being asbestos-caused lung cancer. Both of these defense expert witnesses attributed Roverano’s lung cancer to his tobacco use. Crapo, however, apparently conceded on cross-examination that “if a variety of asbestos products combined to cause a disease, the individual exposures cannot be separated, but nonetheless low-level exposures would not be a factor.”[15]

The disagreements between the parties’ physician expert witnesses were irrelevant to the apportionment issue. Although they disagreed whether there was a threshold for asbestos-related lung cancer, they all agreed that when asbestos caused lung cancer, it did so in a dose-dependent fashion, which would have been the useful predicate for the trier of fact to assess how much each defendant or non-party bankrupt was responsible for the cumulative dose.

The trial defendants each presented expert witnesses in the field of industrial hygiene. Counsel for Brand Insulation called Patrick Rafferty, who opined that Roverano’s asbestos exposure was within the range of normal, outdoor, ambient environmental levels. Apparently, Rafferty made no attempt to estimate the amount of the total exposure, such as it was, which came from Brand Insulation products. This estimation certainly would have been within an industrial hygienist’s competence in assessing historical workplace fiber counting data.

John Crane called Frederick Toca to testify, as both an industrial hygiene and a toxicologist. According to John Crane’s brief, Toca provided a quantification of asbestos fiber release from Crane’s packing material between .005 and .01 fiber/cubic centimeter, which is at or below the level of asbestos found in the ambient air. Toca further offered that Mr. Roverano’s asbestos exposure from the use of insulation materials had been as high as 30 to 100 f/cc. (R. 622a, Tr. 59.) The published opinion, and the parties’ briefs, are unclear as to whether the defense industrial hygienists provided an estimate of the trial defendants’ products to the “cumulative” exposure experience by plaintiff. The record appears to suggest that there was no dispute that the trial defendants’ products contributed a very small fraction of 1 percent of the total.

If the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision is correct, Toca testified to a conclusion that “the asbestos-containing thermal insulating products combined with cigarette smoking were responsible for the increased risk of lung cancer.”[16] Without the full record, I cannot verify the accuracy of this statement, but curiously I could not find any reference to such testimony in the plaintiff’s or the defendants’ briefs. In addition, the reference to Toca in plaintiff’s brief emphasized Toca’s acknowledgement that he was not a physician, and that he was not giving a medical causation opinion. (RR 625a; N.T. p. 78).

If the majority opinion is correct, then John Crane’s calling a non-physician toxicologist to disagree with its well-qualified pulmonary physician expert, Dr. Crapo, was an astonishing and puzzling move. Some would even call it a stunningly stupid act of self-immolation. Worse yet, Toca is not credited with having any basis for his causation opinion, which is against the weight of epidemiologic evidence. Even with this curious defense-sponsored opinion from Dr. Toca, there was no dissent or disagreement that asbestos-related lung cancers were dose-related outcomes, which would be the basis for a risk-based causal apportionment.

No expert witness identified a “fingerprint” of causation that permitted the plaintiff’s lung cancer to be attributed to asbestos, smoking, or a combination of the two. The testimony at trial was about “risk,” with the glib assumption that the cumulative risk resulted in the lung cancer, and that all the cumulative risk was involved. The cumulative risk, however, was proportional to the amount and duration of asbestos exposures from their various sources.

The incoherence of the Roverano majority opinion is aggravated by the failure to recognize the lack of any meaningful, legal distinction between so-called strict liability failure to warn and negligence.[17] Furthermore, with respect to culpability, juries make difficult quantitative assessments of fault based upon non-quantitative evidence in myriad of circumstances. Apportionment based upon causal contribution in proportion to friable asbestos exposure would be simple and straightforward by comparison.

At the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, only dissenting Chief Justice Saylor “got it.” Although he agreed that the non-party bankrupt companies should have been on the verdict sheet, the Chief Justice pointedly dissented from the majority’s cribbed reading of a remedial statute, and the majority’s “inertia” in the face of a clear legislative mandate to implement a “fair share” comparative responsibility regime, which takes into account both “causal” responsibility and fault (when proven at trial). The dissent is worthy of extensive quotation, especially given the Chief Justice’s recognition of the majority’s failure to understand the risk-based reasoning that was used at trial to claim causation:

“I also respectfully disagree with the majority’s conclusion that comparative apportionment of liability is impossible in asbestos cases. *** I have previously observed that, in light of the immense uncertainties involved in assessing actual, product-specific causation in many asbestos cases, the courts have come to accept abstract assessments of increased risk as proxies for traditional substantial-factor causation. [citing to his dissent in Rost v. Ford Motor Co., 637 Pa. 625, 151 A.3d 559 1032, 1057 (2016); and to the majority opinion’s reliance upon plaintiff’s own risk-based analysis] Along these lines, because of all of the impediments to any sort of rational determination of dose in long-latency, toxic tort cases involving frequently undocumented, unquantified, and sometimes small exposures to many different sources of asbestos occurring long ago in the past, the platitude that ‘[r]ough approximation is no substitute for justice’, Majority Opinion, at 542 (citation omitted), becomes quite meaningless in the asbestos litigation landscape. In this respect, I submit that ‘rough approximation’ is at best a generous characterization for what occurs on a routine basis in asbestos-related trials in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

Given that risk-based assessments are being accepted to support jury determinations of substantial-factor causation, I see no reason why the same litmus cannot be employed to support comparative responsibility assessments by jurors, as the Fair Share Act plainly contemplates. [citing statute] By way of example, as I read the statute, it was intended to permit a factfinder to apportion liability differently between a manufacturer of loose insulation containing friable, amphibole asbestos to which a plaintiff may have been exposed on a daily basis in an industrial workplace for decades, and a local auto parts store which may have carried brake shoes (among its inventory of thousands of other products) containing asbestos encapsulated in resin, which the same plaintiff may have occasionally installed on his personal vehicles.

Furthermore, the majority’s analysis appears to overlook that apportionment assessments are generally imprecise ones in many contexts, but they are nevertheless routinely entrusted to jurors. [citing briefs].”[18]

Chief Saylor’s dissent embarrasses the shaky scholarship of the majority’s opinion. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had previously affirmed the proposition that “liability attaches to a negligent act only to the degree that the negligent act caused the employee’s injury.”[19] Asbestos litigation has been around for a long time in Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. The Roverano decision will help it stay around longer still.[20] On the reviewed evidence, the trial defendants should have been liable either for nothing or for a very small fraction of one percent of the total damages.

[1] 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102.

[2] 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102(a).

[3] 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102(a)(1) (emphasis added).

[4] 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102(a)(2).

[5] 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102 (a)(3)(ii), (iii).

[6]Apportionment and Pennsylvania’s Fair Share Act” (Mar. 14, 2019).

[7] Roverano v. John Crane, 2017 Pa. Super. 415, 177 A.3d 892 (2017).

[8] See Max Mitchell, “Pa. Justices Express Wariness of ‘Junk Science’ in Applying Fair Share Act,” (Mar. 6, 2019).

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Roverano v. John Crane Inc. , 226 A.3d 526 (Pa. 2020).

[12] Id. at 527. The Court cited a two-decade old decision in Baker v. AC & S, 562 Pa. 290, 755 A.2d 664 (2000), in which it relied upon a trial court’s explanation that the jury had no evidence upon which the it could apportion liability. “The plaintiff’s testimony was clear and unequivocal that asbestos exposure from individual products cannot be quantified. The defendants presented no evidence to the contrary.”

[13] Id. at 529 (internal citations omitted).

[14] Id. at 530.

[15] Id. at 530-31 (“If they are all part of something he used substantially and contributed to the dose in a major way, then, no, I couldn’t separate them out.”).

[16] Id. at 531.

[17] Justice Wecht concurred in part to emphasize that “[t]he only coherent way to assign unequal shares of liability among multiple defendants is to assess relative blameworthiness, and that leads inevitably to considerations indistinguishable from fault.” Id. at 549-50. Because the Pennsylvania courts have persisted in ignoring the equivalence between strict liability failure to warn and negligence, Justice Wecht felt he had to concur.

[18] Id. at 558-59.

[19] Dale v. Baltimore & Ohio RR., 520 Pa. 96, 106, 552 A.2d 1037, 1041 (1989). See also McAllister v. Pennsylvania RR., 324 Pa. 65, 69-70, 187 A. 415, 418 (1936) (holding that plaintiff’s impairment, and pain and suffering, can be apportioned between two tortious causes; plaintiff need not separate damages with exactitude); Shamey v. State Farm Mutual Auto. Ins. Co., 229 Pa. Super. 215, 223, 331 A.2d 498, 502 (1974) (citing, and relying upon, Restatement (Second) of Torts Section 433A; difficulties in proof do not constitute sufficient reason to hold a defendant liable for the damage inflicted by another person). Pennsylvania law is in accord with the law of other states as well, on apportionment. See Waterson v. General Motors Corp., 111 N.J. 238, 544 A.2d 357 (1988) (holding that a strict liability claim against General Motors for an unreasonably dangerous product defect was subject to apportionment for contribution from failing to wear a seat belt) (the jury’s right to apportion furthered the public policy of properly allocating the costs of accidents and injuries).

[20] James Insco and Matthew Deluzio, “Pennsylvania Asbestos Ruling Helps Extend Claims To Bankrupt Entities,” Law360 (March 10, 2020).

Finding Big Blue

July 26th, 2021

The Washington Supreme Court recently upheld an $81.5 million verdict, against GPC and NAPA, in an asbestos peritoneal mesothelioma case. The award included $30 million for loss of consortium. Coogan v. Borg-Warner Morse Tec Inc., 12 Wash. App. 2d 1021, 2020 WL 824192 (2020), rev’d in part, No. 98296-1, 2021 Wash. LEXIS 383 *, 2021 WL 2835358 (Wash. July 8, 2021).[1] The main points of contention on appeal were plaintiffs’ counsel’s misconduct and the excessiveness of the verdict, which was for only compensatory damages. Twelve defendants settled before trial for a total of $4.4 million. Of the settling defendants, Defendant Manville paid $1.5 million.

Plaintiffs’ proofs against GPC and NAPA were for chrysotile exposure from their brake and clutch parts used by Coogan. Not surprisingly, given that Coogan died of peritoneal mesothelioma, there was a strong suspicion of crocidolite exposure from Manville’s transite product over the course of two years.  Apparently, GPC and NAPA failed to show that Coogan was exposed to crocidolite, even though the workplace was small and other workers had succumbed to asbestos disease.

While the court’s opinion on misconduct and the excessiveness of the verdict are of interest, the most interesting part of the story is what was not told. It is hard to imagine that defense counsel did not try hard to establish the workplace exposures to Manville’s transite. What is not clear is why they failed. Obviously, Manville took the threat seriously enough to pay a significant sum to settle the case before trial. Why could GPC and NAPA not prove at trial what Manville knew?  Were GPC and NAPA the victims of budgetary pressures or limited resources, or were they misled or stonewalled by plaintiffs’ counsel or co-workers?

Given the propensity for crocidolite, such as was used in Manville’s transite, to cause mesothelioma, and especially peritoneal mesothelioma, the trial defendants certainly had an adequate motivation to investigate and to document the crocidolite exposure. 

A recent, large, long-term cohort study in Denmark showed that vehicle mechanics, who use brake linings and clutch parts, as did Coogan, have no increased risk of mesothelioma. Compared with other workers, automobile mechanics actually had a lower than expect risk of mesothelioma or pleural cancer, with an age-adjusted hazard ratio of HR=0.74 (95% CI 0.55 to 0.99)), based upon 47 cases.[2]

The Danish study is in accord with previous studies and meta-analyses,[3] and stands in stark contrast with the epidemiology of mesothelioma among men and women exposed to crocidolite. By way of example, in a cohort of British workers who assembled gas masks during World War II, close to 9% of all deaths were due to mesothelioma.[4] In a published cohort study of workers at Hollingsworth & Vose, a company that made the filters for the Kent cigarette, close to 18 percent of all deaths were due to mesothelioma.[5]

Dr. Irving Selikoff and his colleagues worked assiduously to obscure the vast potency difference between chrysotile and crocidolite, by arguing falsely that crocidolite was not used in the United States,[6] and by suppressing their own research into disease at the Johns-Manville plant that manufactured transite and other products. What is interesting about the Coogan case is what has not been reported. Crocidolite is clearly the most potent cause of mesothelioma.[7] Even if chrysotile were to have posed a risk to someone such as Mr. Coogan, crocidolite exposure, even for just two years, likely represented multiple orders of magnitude greater risk for peritoneal mesothelioma. Without evidence that Coogan was exposed to crocidolite from Mansville’s transite, the manufacturers of brake and clutch parts were unable to seek an apportionment between exposures from their chrysotile and Mansville’s crocidolite. Trying the so-called chrysotile defense is more difficult without being able to show substantial amphibole asbestos exposure.  The bar, both plaintiffs’ and defendants’, could learn a great deal from what efforts were made to establish the crocidolite exposure, why they were unsuccessful, and how the efforts might go better in the future.

[1] Kirk Hartley kindly called my attention to this interesting case.

[2] Reimar Wernich Thomsen, Anders Hammerich Riis, Esben Meulengracht Flachs, David H Garabrant, Jens Peter Ellekilde Bonde, and Henrik Toft Sørensen, “Risk of asbestosis, mesothelioma, other lung disease or death among motor vehicle mechanics: a 45-year Danish cohort study,” Thorax (July 8, 2021), online ahead of print at <doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215041>.

[3] David H. Garabrant, Dominik D. Alexander, Paula E. Miller, Jon P. Fryzek, Paolo Boffetta, M. Jane Teta, Patrick A. Hessel, Valerie A. Craven, Michael A. Kelsh, and Michael Goodman, “Mesothelioma among Motor Vehicle Mechanics: An Updated Review and Meta-analysis,” 60 Ann. Occup. Hyg. 8 (2016); Michael Goodman, M. Jane Teta, Patrick A. Hessel, David H. Garabrant, Valerie A. Craven, Carolyn G. Scrafford, and Michael A. Kelsh, “Mesothelioma and lung cancer among motor vehicle mechanics: a meta-analysis,” 48 Ann. Occup. Hyg. 309 (2004).

[4] See J. Corbett McDonald, J. M. Harris, and Geoffry Berry, “Sixty years on: the price of assembling military gas masks in 1940,” 63 Occup. & Envt’l Med. 852 (2006). 

[5] James A. Talcott, Wendy A. Thurber, Arlene F. Kantor, Edward A. Gaensler, Jane F. Danahy, Karen H. Antman, and Frederick P. Li, “Asbestos-Associated Diseases in a Cohort of Cigarette-Filter Workers,” 321 New Engl. J. Med. 1220 (1989).

[6]Selikoff and the Mystery of the Disappearing Amphiboles” (Dec. 10, 2010); “Playing Hide the Substantial Factors in Asbestos Litigation” (Sept. 27, 2011).

[7] See, e.g., John T. Hodgson & Andrew A. Darnton, “The quantitative risks of mesothelioma and lung cancer in relation to asbestos exposure,” 14 Ann. Occup. Hygiene 565 (2000); Misty J Hein, Leslie T Stayner, Everett Lehman & John M Dement, “Follow-up study of chrysotile textile workers: cohort mortality and exposure-response,” 64 Occup. & Envt’l Med. 616 (2007); David H. Garabrant & Susan T. Pastula, “A comparison of asbestos fiber potency and elongate mineral particle (EMP) potency for mesothelioma in humans,” 361 Toxicology & Applied Pharmacol. 127 (2018) (“relative potency of chrysotile:amosite:crocidolite was 1:83:376”). See also D. Wayne Berman & Kenny S. Crump, “Update of Potency Factors for Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma,” 38(S1) Critical Reviews in Toxicology 1 (2008).

Avoiding Apportionment in Favor of Joint & Several Liabilities

July 24th, 2021

Back in 2008, Professor Michael Green wrote an interesting paper on apportionment in asbestos litigation. The paper sets out an argument that apportionment is a 20th century reform of American tort law, from the common law’s “all or nothing” approach.[1] I respectfully disagree with Professor Green’s assessment. When we consider the procedural aversion to joinder of claims, and the limited range of “joint and several” liability at common law, there was often a much greater role for apportionment in the common law of tort.[2]

Although there have been statutory reforms in some states, which have facilitated apportionments of fault and causation, tort law in the 20th century saw a steady march away from causal apportionments. This process of transformation raises interesting historical and theoretical questions. The hostility to apportionment was reflected in several doctrinal shifts. First, the burden of proof shifted from the plaintiff, who originally had to show each defendant’s share, to the defendants, who had to show their individual shares in order to avoid joint and several liability. Second, the common law’s procedural hurdles of joinder were removed, which left courts free to indulge presumptions of joint and several liability simply because the plaintiff’s harm was one unified harm, whether divisible or not. Third, the common law’s requirement of a “reasonable basis” for an estimate of apportioned share mutated into a requirement of “reasonable certainty,” with no particular clarity for how apodictic the certainty had to be to escape joint and several liability. Fourth, injuries readily seen as divisible in practical ways became “indivisible” in the result-oriented jurisprudence of the later 20th century. And fifth, judicial concern over the unfairness of imposing catastrophic damages upon a single defendant (with other potential defendants unavailable due to bankruptcy, immunity, or plaintiff’s preference) gave way to concer over plaintiffs’ not recovering fulsome damages.

Defendants in the asbestos litigation played a role in this march toward joint and several recovery, with simplistic pro rata shares when contribution was available. The economics of cases with multiple defendants led to multiple representations. Apportionment raised the prospect of invidious distinctions between and among defendants, with some defendants having minuscule causal shares, with others having large shares. Such distinctions posed serious conflicts of interest, which were, and still are, virtually impossible to manage. In the context of mesothelioma cases, for instance, many defendants prefer pro rata contribution rather than causal apportionment because the former guarantees greater offsets in cases taken to verdict. Given the huge variability in asbestos fiber type potency for causing mesothelioma, defendants that had products with some amphibole asbestos had to worry that defendants with chrysotile-only products would avoid liability altogether, or have liability for fractional shares of a single percentage point.

Of course, plaintiffs have resisted apportionments of all kinds, whether between and among joint tortfeasors, or between their conduct and the tortfeasors’, at every turn. Historically, the doctrine of joint and several liability der ives from principles of mutual agency and imputed liability. We can see examples of such liability resulting from civ il conspiracies, torts of partnerships, and true concert of action among tortfeasors.[3]

Entire liability , on the other hand , results from liberal procedural rules of joinder and an ind iv isible injury. If concurrent or successive torts cause a single harm, and the trier of fact cannot reasonably determine what proportion each tortfeasor contributed , then each tortfeasor is liable for the whole harm , even though each tortfeasor’s act alone might have been insuffi cient to cause the entire harm.[4] Although situations giving rise to entire liability may be totally lacking any basis for mutual agency or imputed liability, these situations may lead to a joint and several judgments against multiple tortfeasors. Entire liability, and its procedural consequences that resemble historical joint and several liability, do not apply to concurrent or successive tortfeasors whose acts (or products) cause distinct injuries or cause an injury that can be reasonably apportioned.

Restatement Approach

The American Law Institute’s Restatement (Second) of Torts [Restatement] restated the rules for guiding the applicability for apportionment in a section entitled “Apportionment of Harm to Causes”

(1) Damages for harm are to be apportioned among two or more causes where

(a) there are distinct harms, or

(b) there is a reasonable basis for determining the contribution of each cause to a single harm.

(2) Damages for any other harm cannot be apportioned among two or more causes.

Restatement § 433A. Comment b to Section 433A circuitously and vacuously defines “distinct harms” as those “results which, by their nature, are more capable of apportionment.” The comment provides a hypothetical case and suggested resolution, which are, however, are more helpful:

“If two defendants independently shoot the plaintiff at the same time, and one wounds him in the arm and the other in the leg, the ultimate result may be a badly damaged plaintiff in the hospital, but it is still possible, as a logical, reasonable, and practical matter, to regard the two wounds as separate injuries, and as distinct wrongs. The mere coincidence in time does not make the two wounds a single harm, or the conduct of the two defendants one tort. There may be difficulty in the apportionment of some elements of damages, such as the pain and suffering resulting from the two wounds, or the medical expenses, but this does not mean that one defendant must be liable for the distinct harm inflicted by the other. It is possible to make a rough estimate which will fairly apportion such subsidiary elements of damages.”

The above hypothetical was very much analogous to the school district asbestos property damage class action, in which some plaintiffs’ counsel sought to hold all defendants jointly and severally liable. Although all the defendants may have contributed to the overall condition of a particular building, the cost of removing or containing each asbestos product can be attributed to the producer of that product. Each defendant’s product may be in a different part of a building, and represent a different percentage of the total amount of friable asbestos in the building. Some asbestos products might not be friable at all, and removal would be unnecessary, counterproductive, and even harmful. Each product posed unique problems for removal or containment, the cost of which could be determined independently of the costs for dealing with the other products in the building.

The case of single but divisible harm is relatively straightforward under the Restatement’s apportionment approach. Apportionment is permitted for such a harm when “there is a reasonable basis for determining the contribution of each cause.”[5]

The Restatement (Second) gave several examples of joint torts that can be apportioned by cause. Instructive for the asbestos property damage and similar environmental cases, the Restatement’s following suggestion was of particular interest:

“Apportionment is commonly made in cases of private nuisance, where the pollution of a stream, or flooding, or smoke or dust or noise, from different sources, has interfered with the plaintiff’s use or enjoyment of his land. Thus where two or more factories independently pollute a stream, the plaintiff’s use of the water may be treated as divisible in terms of degree, and may be apportioned among the owners of the factories, on the basis of the respective quantities of pollution discharged into the stream.”[6]

Although any actual apportionment, upon which reasonable people can disagree, must be made by the trier of fact, whether the plaintiff’s harm is apportionable is a question for the court.[7]

Judicial Applications of Apportionment Principles

Some of the earliest cases apportioning property damages involved the worrying and killing of sheep by dogs belonging to two or more persons. Many of these early cases focused on the propriety of the joinder of the dog owners and the resulting joint liability. Under the common law approach to joinder, courts found it “repugnant to the plainest principles of justice to say that the dogs of different persons, by joining in doing mischief could make the owners jointly liable.”[8] Consequently, if two dogs, each belonging to different persons, run together and kill the plaintiff’s sheep, each owner is liable only for the sheep his dog killed.[9] The difficulty in estimating the separate injury done by each dog does not permit imposing liability for the entire damage.[10] In Adams v. Hall,[11] the court specifically rejected the plaintiff’s argument that the damage done to his property, his herd of sheep, was “entire.” Because the damage done by each defendant’s dog was separate, and the defendants were misjoined under the procedural rules then in effect.[12]

Several of the common law courts addressed the appropriateness of apportionment, either pro rata, or otherwise. In an 1838 case, Buddington v. Shearer,[13] the court acknowledged that the plaintiff would have some difficulty in proving which dog caused what distinct harm, but that under the circumstances, the trier of fact could reasonably apportion damages equally on the assumption that the dogs were capable of equal mischief.

In the absence of a statute, the rule requiring apportionment in dog & sheep cases remains valid.[14] In one 1920 case, the appellate court, anticipating the scientific basis for different pathogenic potencies for different varieties of asbestos, noted that the relative size and ferocity of each owner’s dog was a sufficient basis to permit the jury to apportion damages.[15]

The vitality and continuing validity of the apportionments made for separate harms (in dog and sheep cases) is clearly reflected in the Restatement (Second) and its illustrations:

“Five dogs owned by A and B enter C’s farm and kill ten of C’s sheep. There is evidence that three of the dogs are owned by A and two by B, and that all of the dogs are of the same general size and ferocity.”[16]

Based upon these facts, the second Restatement would hold A liable for the value of six of the sheep, and B liable for four.[17] 

The destruction of a field or its crops presents a case of harm, which courts have often treated as single but divisible. In an early Kansas case, the plaintiff sued for the damage inflicted to his crops by cattle belonging to two unrelated parties. Noting that the plaintiff had suffered a single injury to his property, the court held that the damages for the single injury should be apportioned by the relative number of each defendant’s cattle.[18] Reasoning in a similar manner, the New York Court of Appeals, in 1907, addressed a case brought by a farmer who sued two defendants, each owner of cattle, which had trespassed upon his land.[19] The court noted that the cattle were all on the plaintiff’s land and that they all caused equal damage to the plaintiff, and, therefore, each cattle owner was liable for his proportionate share of the entire damages.[20] Other courts, in considering animal trespass cases, have not emphasized whether they viewed the plaintiff’s injury as single or several; rather, these courts, simply stressed the reasonable divisibility of damages and the appropriateness of apportioning damages accordingly.[21]

Cases involving the flooding of land have provided fertile soil for judicial consideration of apportionment. The 1952 California case of Griffith v. Kerrigan is typical.[22] In Griffith, the plaintiff sued for damage to his peach orchard, caused by excessive underground water seepage from one defendant’s irrigation of an adjacent rice paddy, and from another defendant’s nearby canal.  The trial court entered judgment for the plaintiff against the remaining defendant for only the harm caused by that defendant. Plaintiff appealed, and claimed that each defendant was the proximate cause of the entire harm, and therefore, he was entitled to a judgment for the entire amount of damages proved at trial.[23]

Relying upon first Restatement of Torts, Section 881, the predecessor to section 433A of the Second Restatement, the Griffith court rejected the plaintiff’s contention that damage and liability were “entire.” The estimates of relative percentages of water from all possible sources were a sufficient evidentiary basis for making a reasonable apportionment of the damages.[24]

The defendants in Griffith cross-appealed, arguing that the expert witness testimony given at trial established that no exact apportionment was possible. Because of this lack of precision, the defendants contended that the plaintiff had failed to carry the burden of proving each defendant’s causal role. The California appellate count expressly rejected this contention. The expert witness’s estimate was a sufficient basis for the apportionment.[25]

The holdings in Griffith are based upon well-established precedents and intuitive principles of justice. In language that resonates for many mass-tort situations, such as multi-defendant asbestos litigation, joint and several liability in such a case would allow “a plaintiff to overwhelm a defendant with claims for damages out of all proportion to his wrongdoing… .”[26]

In an 1879 case, Sellick v. Hall, the court held that parties that independently damaged plaintiff’s property by flooding could not be found to be joint tortfeasors.[27] Each party can be liable only for that portion of the harm, which he caused. Although apportionment might be difficult in some cases, the court noted that juries are often entrusted with difficult factual judgments. The plaintiff should not, therefore, be denied any recovery; nor should one defendant be “loaded with damages to which he is not legally liable, simply  because the exact ascertainment of the proper amount is a matter of practical difficulty.”[28] Any hardship to the plaintiff in not being able to assert joint and several liability is mitigated by being relieved of the requirement to prove the precise damage inflicted by each defendant.[29] The common law’s foundational principle is clear: a reasonable basis for apportioning a single harm among multiple causes is sufficient to support an apportionment of damages, without fussing over “exactitude.”[30]

Air and Water Pollution Cases

When two or more independent tortfeasors separately pollute the air or water and the consequences combine to form a single injury, each tortfeasor will be liable only for the consequences of his independent tortious act and will not be liable for the entire injury. In Oakwood Homeowners Assoc. v. Maration Oil Co., the appellate court sustained the trial court’s jury instruction that the jury should separate the injuries caused to the plaintiff by the defendant from the injuries caused by other tortfeasors if they could do so:

“If two or more persons acting independently tortiously cause distinct harms or a single harm for which there is a reasonable basis for division according to the contribution of each, each is subject to liability only for the portion of the total harm that he himself caused.”[31]

In Sam Finley, Inc. v. Waddell, the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals held that the trial court had failed to require the plaintiff , who had prevailed at trial, to produce evidence apportioning the damage between the two defendants.[32] In that case, the plaintiffs had sued the operator of a quarry and the operator of a bituminous concrete plant alleging each had contributed to the clouds of filth which had rendered the plaintiffs’ land unfit for grazing. The court held that plaintiffs were barred from a recovery without proof of the apportionment of the damage caused by the two defendants.

In that case, the plaintiffs had sued the operator of a quarry and the operator of a bituminous concrete plant alleging each had contributed to the clouds of filth which had rendered the plaintiffs’ land unfit for grazing. The court held that plaintiffs were barred from a recovery without proof of the apportionment of the damage caused by the two defendants, absent proof of privity or concert of action:

“[W]here there are several concurrent negligent causes, the effects of which are separable, due to independent authors, neither being sufficient to produce the entire loss, then each of the several parties concerned is liable only for the injuries due to his negligence.”[33]

In Maas v. Perkins, the Supreme Court of Washington held that, while two alleged tortfeasors, accused of having contributed to the damage caused by oil sludge draining onto plaintiffs’ property, could be joined in one action, their liability was several and not joint.[34] Plaintiffs would not be relieved of their burden of showing that a particular defendant caused damage of a specified amount. Although the court admitted of the difficulty of such proof, the court required some basis for the allocation of the total damage.[35] Courts have consistently viewed the rule of apportionment and several liability as a rule of fairness, and have thus been unwilling to impose liability on one tortfeasor for the acts of another over which the first had no control and where the only logical connection was some similarity of consequences.

In Farley v. Crystal Coal & Coke Co.,[36] the West Virginia Supreme Court held that six separate mine operators, alleged to have polluted with slag, cinder and sewage the stream on which plaintiff’s farm was situated, could not be jointly liable for damage caused by the pollution:

“In the actual infliction of the injury, there was nothing more than a combination, effected by natural causes of the consequences or results or the wrongful acts, in which the parties did not act. This of course does not absolve them from liability, but it does away with the ground or basis of joint liability and liability for entire damages. Each is liable only for the consequences of his own wrong and must be sued alone for the damages.”[37]

In City of Mansfield v. Brister, the plaintiff, a riparian proprietor, sued the city for damage to his health caused by the pollution of Ritter’s Run.[38] Ritter’s Run was found to have been fouled by five sewers, only one of which had been constructed by the city. The trial court instructed that jury that it was unnecessary to find that the city had caused the entire injury in order to find it liable for the damage. The Ohio Supreme Court reversed, in a thoughtful and lengthy opinion, in which it considered and discussed the then contemporary authority. The court found the difficulty of apportionment presented no compelling reason to relieve the plaintiff from the obligation of proving that the damages sought from a defendant sprung from the act of that defendant:

“Each is liable only to the extent of the wrong committed by him. The fact that it is difficult to separate the injury done by each one from the others furnishes no reason for holding that one tort-feasor should be liable for act of others with whom he is not acting in concert.”[39]

As noted above, the Restatement (Second) of Torts contains a discussion of apportionment consistent with this discussion. One illustration contained in the comments is drawn from the pollution cases and well illustrates the point:

“Oil is negligently discharged from two factories, owned by A and B, onto the surface of a stream. As a result C, a lower riparian owner, is deprived of the use of the water for his own industrial purposes. There is evidence that 70 per cent of the oil has come from A’s factory, and 30 per cent from B’s. On the basis of this evidence, A may be held liable for 70 per cent of C’s damages, and B liable for 30 per cent.”[40]

Shifting the Burden of Proof

Some jurisdictions have shifted the burden of going forward on the issue of apportionment. In a 1952 case, Landers v. East Texas Salt water Disposal Co.,[41] the independent operators of two separate pipelines were alleged to have discharged large quantities of salt water into plaintiff’s lake when the two pipelines broke on or about the same day. The court held that plaintiff could recover despite his inability to allocate specific damage to one or the other tortfeasor:

“Where the tortious acts of two or more wrongdoers join to produce an indivisible injury, that is, an injury which from its nature cannot be apportioned with reasonable certainty to the individual wrongdoers, all of the wrongdoers will be held jointly and severally liable for the entire damages.”[42]

The actual language of Landers is somewhat difficult to reconcile with the manner in which the Landers rule has been applied. Landers was decided in an era without liberal rules of joinder, and so the court apparently conceived it necessary to deem the defendants joint tortfeasors in order to join the defendants in a single action.

In what seems rather result-oriented jurisprudence, courts which have had occasion to apply Landers under the modern rules of joinder have largely cited the Landers rule as shifting the burden of going forward on the question of apportionment. And then, to add insult to injury to the common law, courts after Landers have conflated the burden of going forward with the burden of proof:

“Where several defendants are shown to have each caused some harm, the burden of proof (or burden of going forward) shifts to each defendant to show what portion of the harm he caused. If the defendants are unable to show any reasonable basis for division, they are jointly and severally liable for the total damages.”[43]

This trend toward shifting the burden of proof of apportionment can be seen in an air pollution case,[44] Michie v. Great Lakes Steel, where the court considered whether a plaintiff, alleging damages of $11,000 caused by the air pollution of three corporate defendants, would be deemed to have alleged damages of $11,000 against each for purposes of determining whether the jurisdictional amount in controversy for diversity jurisdiction had been met. Citing Landers, the court stated the rule of apportionment as follows:

“Where the injury itself is indivisible, the judge or jury must determine whether or not it is practicable to apportion the harm among the tortfeasors. If not, the entire liability may be imposed upon one (or several) tortfeasors.

* * * *

The net effect of Michigan’s new rule is to shift the burden of proof as to which one was responsible and to what degree from the injured party to the wrongdoers.”[45]

Some courts, following Landers, have found reasonable bases for apportioning entire damages.[46] The judicial embrace of joint and several liability, with burden shifting, and increasing the burden, for apportionment has led to great creativity in avoiding apportionments. For pollution cases, what might be a rough-and-ready practical basis for apportionment, courts have found confounding factors of unknown rates of discharge, for unknown times, with unknown composition, and in unknown concentrations. There can be a huge gap between the sorts of “reasonable estimates” that were found adequate at common law and the “reasonable certainties” that courts increasingly demanded.

[1] Michael D. Green, “Second Thoughts about Apportionment in Asbestos Litigation,” 37 Southwestern Univ. L. Rev. 531 (2008) (“The idea that liability is not all or nothing—a basic tenet of the common law—but could be apportioned in a fine-grained manner—that is using a scale of 100, whether you call it comparative negligence, fault, responsibility, or causation—is a reform of the twentieth century and one of the most influential in tort law of that century.”).

[2]Common Law Causal Apportionment – Each Dog Had His Day” (Sept. 27, 2014).

[3] See William Lloyd Keeton, ed.,  Prosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts § 46 (1984).

[4] Stuart Speiser, Charles Krause and Alfred Gans, The American Law of Torts § 3.7, at 394 (1983 & Supp. 1984); Prosser, supra, at § 47, at 328.

[5] Restatement § 433A(1)(b), at comment d.

[6] Id.; see also S. Speiser, supra at § 3.12 & note 88 (collecting cases on joint flooding and polluting).

[7] Restatement § 434(1)(2).

[8] Russell v. Tomlinson & Hawkins, 2 Conn. 206 (1817).

[9] Id. (“[N]o man can be liable for the mischief done by the dog of another, unless he had some agency in causing the dog to do it.”); Van Steinburgh v. Tobias, 17 Wend. 562 (N.Y. 1837) (affirming nonsuit based upon misjoinder because joinder was error unless defendants jointly liable). The court in van Steenburgh noted that the imposition of joint liability on the owner of one dog, which happened to unite with other dogs in destroying a herd, would be unjust. Id. at 564.

[10] Van Steinburgh v. Tobias, 17 Wend. 562, 563 (N.Y. 1837).

[11] Adams v. Hall, 2 Vt. 9 (1829),

[12] Id. at 10, 11.

[13] 37 Mass. (20 Pick.) 477, 479-80 (1838).

[14] See Miller v. Prough, 203 Mo. App. 413, 425, 221 S.W. 159 (1920) (each owner of a dog may not be liable for the entire damage; evidence of relative size and ferocity sufficient to permit the jury to apportion damages); Stine v. McShane, 55 N.D. 745, 746, 214 N.W. 906 (1927) (in absence of a joint tort or a statute modifying the common law, plaintiff can recover only those damages occasioned by that defendant’s conduct); Nohre v. Wright, 98 Minn. 477, 478-79, 108 N.W. 865 (1906) (each dog owner is liable separately for the damages done by his animal); Anderson v. Halverson, 126 Iowa 125, 127, 101 N.W. 781 (1904) (reversing judgment for defendant dog owner because although plaintiff could not show which sheep the defendant’s dog killed, the jury should have been allowed to consider defendant’s liability with proper instructions on apportionment); Denny v. Correll, 9 Ind. 72, 73 (1857) (per curiam) (reversing joint judgment against defendant dog owners); Dyer v. Hutchins, 87 Tenn. 198, 199, 10 S.W. 194 (1889)(each defendant dog owner is responsible only for the depradations of his own animal).

[15] Miller v. Prough, 203 Mo. App. 413, 425, 221 S.W. 159 (1920) (each owner of a dog may not be liable for the entire damage; evidence of relative size and ferocity sufficient to permit the jury to apportion damages).

[16] Restatement (Second) of Torts § 433A, illustration 3.

[17] Id.

[18] Powers v. Kindt, 13 Kan. 74, 83 (1874).

[19] Wood v. Snider, 187 N.Y. 28, 36, 79 N.E. 858 (1907).

[20] Id. Accord Pacific Live Stock Co. v. Murray, 45 Or. 103, 76 P. 1079 (1904)(the proper measure of plaintiff’s damages was the value of pasturage consumed by defendant’s sheep, not the mischief done by animals belonging to other persons); Hill v. Chappel Brothers of Montana, 93 Mont. 92, 103, 18 P. 2d 1106, (1933) (jury allowed to make the best possible estimate of the portion of damages attributable to the defendant’s horses).

[21] See, e.g., Westgate v. Carr, 43 Ill. 450, 454-44 (1867) (each defendant cattle owner is liable only for the damage done by his cattle); State v. Wood, 59 N.J.L. 112, 113-14, 35 A. 654(1896)(each dog’s trampling of the plaintiff’s cabbage patch is a separate harm; each owner is liable only for the harm his dog caused; King v. Ruth, 136 Miss. 377, 381, 101 So. 500 (1924) (each dog owner is liable only for the damages done by his animals “separate and distinct” trespass); see also Cogswell v. Murphy, 46 Iowa 44 (1877) (reversing judgment against defendant cattle owners because of misjoinder of parties).

[22] Griffith v. Kerrigan, 109 Cal. App. 2d 637, 241 P.2d 296, Cal. Rptr. (1952).

[23] Id. at 638.

[24] Id. at 639.

[25] Id. at 640.

[26] William Tackaberry Co. v. Sioux City Service Co., 154 Iowa 358, 377-78, 132 N.W. 945 (1911) (extensively reviewing authorities and rejecting joint and several liability for property damage caused by flooding from multiple causes). See also Boulger v. Northern Pacific RR, 41 N.D. 316, 324, 171 N.W. 632 (1918) (imposing entire liability on a party responsible for only a portion of the harm caused by a flood would be contrary to law and justice).

[27] Sellick v. Hall, 47 Conn. 260, 273 (1879).

[28] Id. at 274.

[29] See William  Tackaberry Co., supra,154 Iowa at 377; Griffith v. Kerrigan, 109 Cal. App. 2d at 640.

[30] Sloggy v.  Dilworth, 38 Minn. 179, 185, 36 N.W. 451 (1888) (rejecting entire liability; apportionment for damage to plaintiff’s crops caused by  flooding from multiple causes may be based on the relative contribution of each party); Blaisdell v. Stephens, 14 Nev. 17, 19 (1879) (reversing      joint judgment in a flooding case); Verheyen v. Dewey, 27 Idaho 1, 11-12, 146 P. 1116 (1915) (reversing joint judgment; holding each party responsible only for that portion of the flood, which damages plaintiff’s property); Ryan Gulch Reservoir Co. v. Swartz, 77 Colo. 60, 234 P. 1059, 1061 (1925) (rejecting joint liability for independent flooders of plaintiff’s land); Miller v. Highland Ditch Co., 87 Cal. 430, 431, 23 P. 550 (1891) (reversing joint judgment against defendants, whose irrigation ditches independently overflowed and deluged plaintiff’s land).

[31] Oakwood Homeowners Ass’n v. Maration Oil Co., 104 Mich. App. 689, 305 N.W.2d 567, 569 (1981),    

[32] Sam Finley, Inc. v. Waddell, 207 Va. 602, 151 S.E. 347 (1966).

[33] Sam Finley, Inc., 151 S.E.2d at 352. The decision in Sam Finley, Inc. was a reaffirmation of the rule of Panther Coal Co. v. Looney, 185 Va. 758, 48 S.E.2d 298 (1946), and Pulaski Anthracite Coal Co. v. Gibboney Sand Bar Co., 110 Va. 444, 66 S.E. 73 (1909). These cases exemplify the line of cases which developed and applied the rule of apportionment and several liability in cases involving air and water pollution from the latter part of the last century to the 1960s, when statutory remedies for air and water pollution were enacted. These common law decisions are still binding authority in most jurisdictions and are binding on federal courts sitting in diversity.

[34] Maas v. Perkins, 42 Wash. 2d 38, 253 P.2d 427 (1953).

[35] 253 P.2d at 430. The court in Maas followed the rule previously set forth in Snavely v. City of Goldendale, 10 Wash. 2d 453, 117 P.2d 221 (1941). In this action, a downstream farmer alleged that a municipality and a slaughterhouse discharged refuse into the Little Klickitat River. The court affirmed the rule that tortfeasors independently contributing to the pollution of a stream cannot be held jointly liable for the common injury. The basis of the Court’s decision was fairness. “[I]t might work great injustice to hold one responsible for the entire injurious effect of the pollution of a stream brought about by himself and others in varying degrees.” Snavely, 117 P.2d at 224.

[36] Farley v. Crystal Coal & Coke Co., 85 W.Va. 595, 102 S.E. 265 (1920).

[37] Farley, 102 S.E. at 268. Similarly, the court in Watson v. Pyramid Oil Co., 198 Ky. 135, 248 S.W. 227 (1923), was moved by considerations of fairness to adopt the rule of apportionment and several liability. It held that several refining companies could not be liable for the damage caused by each other’s operations. Otherwise, it reasoned “a defendant who had contributed to the injury in the slightest degree would be liable for all the damage caused by the wrongful acts of all the others.” 248 S.W. at 228. Similarly, the Florida Supreme Court has held that joint liability would not be imposed on upriver phosphate producers despite the intermingling of the consequences of their tortious acts as regards downriver riparian owners. Synnes v. Prarie Pebble Phosphate Co., 66 Fla. 27, 63 So. 1 (1913), and Standard Phosphate Co. v. Lunn, 66 Fla. 220, 63 So. 429 (1913). Noise pollution has been handled in a similar fashion. See, e.g., City of Atlanta v. Cherry, 84 Ga. App. 728, 67 S.E.2d 317 (Ga. App. 1951) (holding that a city operating an airport and the airlines using it were not jointly liable for damage caused to the plaintiff by a low flying aircraft).

[38] City of Mansfield v. Brister, 76 Ohio St. 270, 81 N.E. 631 (1907).

[39] City of Mansfield, 81 N.E. at 633.

[40] Restatement (Second) of Torts § 433A, comment d, illustration 5 (1965).

[41] Landers v. East Texas Salt water Disposal Co., 151 Tx. 251, 248 S.W.2d 731 (1952).

[42] Landers, 248 S.W.2d at 734.

[43] Borel v. Fibreboard Paper Products Corp., 493 F.2d 1076, 1094 (5th Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 419 U.S. 869, (1974). The federal bench has, at times, been mindful of the unfairness of joint and several liability to defendants. Although largely ineffectual, some courts have opined that some method was needed to achieve “[an] apportionment which bears some relationship to causative fault.”

[44] Michie v. Great Lakes Steel, 495 F.2d 213 (6th Cir. 1974), cert. denied 419 U.S. 997 (1979).

[45] Michie, 495 F.2d at 217, 218.

[46] See, e.g. Dean v. Gladney, 621 F.2d 1331 (5th Cir. 1980) (upholding apportionment of damages, made with “reasonable certainty” between defendant police officers who had been found to have committed an unlawful arrest and imprisonment).

The History of Litigations – Silica Litigation

July 23rd, 2021

“Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

George Santayana, The Life of Reason or the Phases of Human Progress 172 (1905; Marianne S. Wokeck & Martin A. Coleman, eds., 2011).


One of the remarkable and deplorable features of litigation in the United States is that it consumes such an incredible toll of time, energy, money, intellectual effort, creativity, while receiving so little attention in terms of careful curation of its history. Does anyone in the judiciary, the legislature, in the public, in industry, in labor, or at the bar, learn anything from the entirety of a complex litigation? Insurers certainly note their payouts, and adjust their premiums, but have their litigation strategies, and counsel selection and control, improved outcomes? I suspect that there is a great deal of learning to be had, at every level, and from every institutional perspective. It seems that this potential learning is often left untapped.

There are some notable efforts at the history of individual litigation. In 1987, Peter Schuck wrote an incisive history of the Agent Orange litigation.[1] About a decade later, two other law professors, Michael Green and Joseph Sanders, each wrote a history of the Bendectin litigation.[2] Whatever the reader thinks of these histories of litigations, they are all respectable efforts to understand the full course of a so-called “mass tort” litigation, from beginning to end. Law schools do a fine job of teaching the making of widgets, from initial pleadings, to judgments, to appeals, to enforcement of judgments. The academy does less well in teaching the high-level strategies employed in litigations, and the criteria for evaluating the success or failure of those strategies.

There are many important litigations that have not been memorialized in histories.  The asbestos litigation existed as isolated as sporadic worker compensation claims before World War II, and after the war, well into the 1970s. The first civil action may have been filed by attorney William L. Brach filed on behalf of Frederick LeGrande, against Johns-Manville, for asbestos-related disease, on July 17, 1957, in LeGrande v. Johns-Manville Prods. Corp., No. 741-57 (D.N.J.). Civil litigation for individual personal injuries took another decade to get started, and has since become institutionalized as a perpetual, limitless, and often unprincipled legal phenomenon in the United States. There have also been environmental and class action asbestos cases, with the infamous case against the Reserve Mining Company in Minnesota having received book length treatment, in 1980.[3] Miles Lord, the trial judge in the Reserve Mining case, was unceremoniously rebuked for unprofessional judicial malfeasance by the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.[4] More recently, Judge Lord’s law clerk has attempted to resurrect her mentor’s destroyed reputation in a hagiographic biography.[5] These books recount, fairly or not, important episodes in the asbestos litigation, but no one to date has attempted to write a history of the entire broad sweep of asbestos litigation.

The situation is similar in silicosis litigation, where the need for a history of the multiple failed attempts to impose liability on remote silica sand suppliers cries out for unified treatment. There is, to be sure, a highly biased account that runs through one text, Deadly Dust, written by two radical historians who helped fuel the litigation attempts in the 1990s, and in the 21st century.[6] The perspective of Deadly Dust, however, either ignores or misunderstands the litigation strategies and outcomes for the actual participants in silicosis litigation.

Recently, a chapter in the new edition of a treatise on products liability law has offered up a brief history of silica litigation.[7] The chapter correctly notes that “[s]ilica litigation in the United States has largely dried up following the 2005 dismissal of the multidistrict In re Silica Products Liability Litigation.”[8] In a chapter section, “§ 8:5.2 History of Litigation,” the authors purport to discuss the history of silica litigation, but they begin with one episode, the filing of thousands of cases in Mississippi and Texas, which were removed to federal court and consolidated in a Multi-District Litigation before the Hon. Janis Graham Jack, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Judge Jack famously declared “red flags of fraud” on the litigation battleground, with active participation from many high-volume testifying expert witnesses, such as Drs. Ray Harron and B.S. Levy.

The chapter lightly touches upon a few subsequent, post-MDL silica cases in Mississippi,[9] but importantly the chapter misses the sweep of silica litigation, before the MDL debacle. A more sustained, disinterested history of silica litigation would be a worthwhile undertaking for a few reasons.

  1. Silica litigation is a strong example of misplaced liability in the industrial setting of selling a natural commodity to purchasers who are employers with strong state and federal regulatory obligations to provide safe workplaces.[10]
  2. The litigation over silica health effects severely tests the notion that litigation is needed as an adjunct to regulation. Silicosis mortality has declined steadily in the late 20th and early 21st century, despite the failure of silica claims.[11]
  3. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, silica litigation was fueled in part by a tendentious ruling by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which declared that crystalline silica is a “known” human carcinogen. The working group was deeply divided, and the classification was subsequently shown to have ignored important studies.[12] Although subsequent IARC working groups handed down even more suspect monographs, revisiting the conditions that gave rise to the IARC silica monograph would be yield valuable insights into the capture and corruption of the IARC process by biased advocates.
  4. Defendants often come under serious criticism and pressure to settle litigation, as though the filing of complaints, with allegations of harms, demands social justice and ample remedies. In silica litigation, many defendants did not succumb to such pressure, and their efforts revealed corruption in the manufacturing of claims, through fraudulent diagnoses, product identification, and misdirected blame.

An adequate history of silica litigation would need to explore:

  1. The era before worker’s compensation (1890-1930, including Gauley Bridge), when civil litigation was the only recourse, and when plaintiffs were met with defenses of contributory negligence, fellow-servant rule, assumption of risk, and statutes of limitations.
  2. The era of worker’s compensation (1930-1968 or so), when employers had close to absolute liability for the medical damages and lost wages of their employees.
  3. The era of strict liability (1969 – 1997), ushered in by the doctrine of stricts products liability in the Restatement (Second) of Torts, and fueled by the enticement of mushrooming jury verdicts, and perceived inadequacies of worker compensation awards. Contributory negligence gave way to comparative negligence, and plaintiffs colluded in claims of ignorance of silica hazards. Silica litigation was episodic, with “outbreaks” in Alabama, western Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
  4. The IARC Resurgence (1998 – 2010), which “sexed up” silica litigation, and led to mass filings, and the Battle of Corpus Christi, in Judge Jack’s courtroom. Additional outbreaks occurred in Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California.

There is probably much I have missed, but the sketch above is a beginning.

[1] Peter H. Schuck, Agent Orange on Trial: Mass Toxic Disasters in the Courts (1987).

[2] Michael D. Green, Bendectin: The Challenges of Mass Toxic Substances Litigation (1996); Joseph Sanders, Bendectin on Trial: A Study of Mass Tort Litigation (1998).

[3] Robert V. Bartlett, The Reserve Mining Controversy (1980).

[4] Reserve Mining Co v. Hon. Miles Lord, 529 F.2d 181 (8th Cir. 1976).

[5] Roberta Walburn, Miles Lord: The Maverick Judge Who Brought Corporate America to Justice (2017).

[6] David Rosner & Gerald Markowitz, Deadly Dust: Silicosis and the Politics of Occupational Disease in the Twentieth Century America (1991).

[7] George Gigounas, Arthur Hoffmann, David Jaroslaw, Amy Pressman, Nancy Shane Rappaport, Wendy Michael, Christopher Gismondi, Stephen H. Barrett, Micah Chavin, Adam A. DeSipio, Ryan McNamara, Sean Newland, Becky Rock, Greg Sperla & Michael Lisanti, “Recent Developments in Asbestos, Talc, Silica, Tobacco, and E-Cigarette/Vaping Litigation in the U.S. and Canada,” Chap. 8, in Stephanie A. Scharf, George D. Sax & Sarah R. Marmor, eds., Product Liability Litigation: Current Law, Strategies and Best Practices (2nd ed. 2021).

[8] Id. at § 8:5.1 Overview (referring to In re Silica Prods. Liab. Litig., 398 F. Supp. 2d 563 (S.D. Tex. 2005) (Jack, J.)).

[9] Mississippi Valley Silica Co. v. Eastman, 92 So. 3d 666 (Miss. 2012); Dependable Abrasives, Inc. v. Pierce, 156 So. 3d 891 (Miss. 2015).

[10] See NAS, “Products Liability Law – Lessons from the Military and Industrial Contexts,” 13 J. Tort Law 303 (2020); “The Misplaced Focus of Enterprise Liability on the Wrong Enterprise” (Mar. 27, 2021).

[11] See, e.g., Ki Moon Bang, Jacek M. Mazurek, John M. Wood, Gretchen E. White, Scott A. Hendricks, Ainsley Weston, “Silicosis Mortality Trends and New Exposures to Respirable Crystalline Silica — United States, 2001–2010,” 64 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 117 (Feb. 13, 2015).

[12] Patrick A. Hessel, John Gamble, J. Bernard L. Gee, Graham Gibbs, Francis H.Y. Green, Morgan, Keith C. Morgan, and Brooke T. Mossman, “Silica, Silicosis, and Lung Cancer: A Response to a Recent Working Group Report,” 42 J. Occup. & Envt’l Med. 704 (2000).

Epistemic Virtue – Dropping the Dime on Tenpenny

July 18th, 2021

When Marjorie Taylor Greene came under fire for propagating lies about Jewish space lasers and other fantastical conspiracy theories, she did not apologize. Rather she turned the opproprium into a grievance about being “allowed” to believe the lies. Blaming the media, Greene complained: “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true… .”[1]

In a stunning show of bad faith, Greene attempted to redirect fault to the media. Beneath the failed attempt was a stratagem that appears to have prevalent appeal in this day of electronic and social media. There are some people who believe that telling a lie may be a moral failing, but believing a lie simply means you have been victimized. And being a victim is the ticket for admission into our grievance society.

Greene’s transparent attempt to foist blame on those who would allow her to believe hateful and crazy sidesteps her personal responsibility for her beliefs, and ignores that she chose to propagate the pernicious claims. Greene’s metaphor of passivity is essentially false in failing to come to grips with how we form beliefs, curate them, test, and verify them, even before we take to the social media “airways” to publish or re-publish them.

For the last few years, there has been scholarly and popular criticism of social media for its ability to propagate falsehoods, lies, conspiracy theories, and dis-, mis-, and mal-information.[2] Clearly, social media can do these things, but is it really surprising that social media can be an information cesspool? Descriptively, we can acknowledge that people are influenced by false claims made on social media platforms. Prescriptively, we can, and should, hold people to higher standards.

Earlier this week, the United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy proclaimed health misinformation on social media to be “urgent threat.”[3] Dr. Murthy stated that tech and social media companies needed to fight information rot more aggressively, and the Surgeon General’s office issued an advisory about “building a healthy information environment.”[4] Later last week, President Biden criticized social media companies for their failure to control misinformation, and announced a plan for government to participate in fact checking claims made on social media.[5] Biden’s initiative may be creating the state action needed for the yutzballs on the right and the left to make out state action in their claims of unconstitutional censorship.

I hate to play the “what about” game that was made so popular during the Trump Administration, but I have moments of weakness. What about governmental platforms for speech? After centuries of allowing any willing, able, and marginally qualified person, with a reasonable pretense to expertise, to give opinions in court, the federal judicial system cracked down on unsound, poorly supported expert witness opinion testimony. Most state courts dragged their judicial feet, but at least uttered in dicta that they were concerned.

Legislative platforms for speech have no gatekeeper. Any quack can show up, and she does. Take Sherri Jane Tenpenny.  Please.

Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic physician who is a well-known, virulent disease vector of disinformation. In its March 2021 report, The Disinformation Dozenthe Center for Countering Digital Hate identified Tenpenny as a top anti-vaccination shyster. As a social media vector, she is ranked in the top dozen “influencers.”[6]

Tenpenny is an anti-vaccination osteopathic physician, who shakes down fearful parents at vaccination bootcamps, and hangs out with internet hoodlums such as Alex Jones, and the plumped-up pillow purveyor, Mike Lindell. She is the author of the 2008 book, Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for all Ages, where you can find hyperbolic claims, such as “[t]he skyrocketing autism epidemic, controversy surrounding mercury and thimerosal, and the rampant childhood epidemics — asthma, allergies, eczema, attention deficit disorders (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and cancer — have been linked to vaccines.”

In federal court, Tenpenny has been blocked from disseminating her malarkey at the gate. In one case, Tenpenny served as an expert witness in support of a claim that a man’s receipt of a hepatitis B vaccination caused him to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome. The Special Master incorrectly wrote that the law required him to presume the admissibility of Tenpenny’s proffered testimony. The law actually requires the proponent to show the admissibility of his expert witness’s opinion testimony. But even with the non-existent presumption, Tenpenny’s opinion was ultimately found to be worth less than a plugged nickel, when the Special Master found her methodology “so divergent from the scientific method as to be nonsensical and confusing.”[7]

In other branches of government, a Tenpenny can go a lot further. Last month, the Ohio legislature invited Tennpenny to testify in support of House Bill 248, Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act (June 8, 2021). Introduced into the Ohio House of Representatives by Republican member Jennifer Gross, Bill 248 would “prohibit mandatory vaccinations and vaccination status disclosures.” Indeed, the proposed legislation would prohibit requiring, or creating incentives for, any vaccines, not just vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2. Tenpenny’s testimony did not fail to disappoint.

Tenpenny claimed that vaccines “magnetize” people, such that keys and spoons will stick to their bodies:

“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the Internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized. They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”

Tenpenny did not, however, discuss the obvious issue of polarity, and whether people would line up “north” to “south,” when together in a crowd. She vaguely suggested that “[t]here’s been people who have long suspected that there’s been some sort of an interface, yet-to-be-defined interface, between what’s being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers.”[8]

The fallout from the Tenpenny testimony has been amusing. After the hearing, another Republican, Representative Scott Lipps, blamed Gross for having invited Tenpenny. During the hearing, however, none of the legislators strongly pushed back. Republican legislators thanked her for testifying, and praised her work as “enlightening.” The bill sponsor, Jennifer Gross, who trained as a nurse, told Tennpenny that it was “an honor to have you here.” According to some media reports (sorry), Gross previously compared businesses’ requiring vaccination to the Holocaust. Importantly, none of the legislators asked her for the studies upon which she relied.

Why would anyone think that Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube would act with more epistemic virtue than the Ohio Legislature? The Tenpenny phenomenon raises other interesting and important questions. Tenpenny has been licensed in Ohio as a “D.O.” (Doctor of Osteopathy), no. 34.003789, since 1984. Her online record shows no “board actions” taken or pending. Apparently, the state of Ohio, the American Osteopathic Association, and other professional and regulatory bodies do not see a problem with Tenpenny’s performance in the Ohio House of Representatives.

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes that medical evidence in legal and administrative proceedings is critical, and that physicians have a duty to assist.[9] Testifying for a legislative committee would certainly qualify for a legal proceeding. Testifying is the practice of medicine, and physicians who testify must do so “honestly,” with “continuous self-examination to ensure that their testimony represents the facts of the case,” and “only in areas in which they have appropriate training and recent, substantive experience and knowledge.”[10] The AMA Ethical Guidelines further provide that a testifying physician has a responsibility to ensure that his or her testimony “reflects current scientific thought and standards of care that have gained acceptance among peers in the relevant field.”[11]

Perhaps most important, the AMA Ethical Guidelines specify that medical societies and medical licensing boards are responsible for maintaining high standards for medical testimony, and must assess “claims of false or misleading testimony.” When the testimony is false or misleading, these bodies should discipline the offender “as appropriate.”[12]

Where are the adults in the room?

[1] Josh K. Elliott, “GOP’s Marjorie Taylor Greene regrets being ‘allowed’ to believe hoaxes,” Global News Canada (Feb. 4, 2021).

[2] See, e.g., Catherine D. Tan, “Defending ‘snake oil’: The preservation of contentious knowledge and practices,” 51 Social Studies of Science 538 (2021).

[3] Sheryl Gay Stolberg & Davey Alba, “Surgeon General Assails Tech Companies Over Misinformation on Covid-19,” N.Y. Times (July 15, 2021).

[4] Vivek H. Murthy, Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on

Building a Healthy Information Environment (2021).

[5] The Associated Press, “Biden Slams Social Media Companies for Pandemic Misinformation,” N.Y. Times (July 16, 2021).

[6] Jonathan Jarry, “A Dozen Misguided Influencers Spread Most of the Anti-Vaccination Content on Social Media: The Disinformation Dozen generates two thirds of anti-vaccination content on Facebook and Twitter,” McGill Univ. Office for Science & Soc’y (Mar. 31, 2021).

[7] Shaw v. Sec’y Health & Human Servs., No. 01-707V, 2009 U.S. Claims LEXIS 534, *84 n.40 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Aug. 31, 2009).

[8] Andrea Salcedo, “A doctor falsely told lawmakers vaccines magnetize people: ‘They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks.’,” Wash. Post (June 9, 2021); Andy Downing, “What an exceedingly dumb time to be alive,” Columbus Alive (June 10, 2021); Jake Zuckerman, “She says vaccines make you magnetized. This West Chester lawmaker invited her testimony, chair says,” Ohio Capital Journal (July 14, 2021).

[9] A.M.A. Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 9.7.1.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

People Get Ready – There’s a Reference Manual a Comin’

July 16th, 2021

Science is the key …

Back in February, I wrote about a National Academies’ workshop that featured some outstanding members of the scientific and statistical world, and which gave participants to identify new potential subjects for inclusion in a proposed fourth edition of the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence.[1] Funding for that new edition is now secured, and the National Academies has published a précis of the February workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Emerging Areas of Science, Engineering, and Medicine for the Courts: Proceedings of a Workshop – in Brief (Washington, DC 2021). The Rapporteurs for these proceedings provide a helpful overview for this meeting, which was not generally covered in the legal media.[2]

The goal of the workshop, which was supported by a planning committee, the Committee on Science, Technology, and Law, the National Academies, the Federal Judicial Center, and the National Science Foundation, was, of course, to identify chapters for a new, fourth edition, of Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence. The workshop was co-chaired by Dr. Thomas D. Albright, of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the Hon. Kathleen McDonald O’Malley, Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

The Rapporteurs duly noted Judge O’Malley’s Workshop comments that she hoped that the reconsideration of the Reference Manual can help close the gap between science and the law. It is thus encouraging that the Rapporteurs focused a large part of their summary on the presentation of Professor Xiao-Li Meng[3] on selection bias, which “can come from cherry picking data, which alters the strength of the evidence.” Meng identified the

“7 S’(ins)” of selection bias:

(1) selection of target/hypothesis (e.g., subgroup analysis);

(2) selection of data (e.g., deleting ‘outliers’ or using only ‘complete cases’);

(3) selection of methodologies (e.g., choosing tests to pass the goodness-of-fit); (4) selective due diligence and debugging (e.g., triple checking only when the outcome seems undesirable);

(5) selection of publications (e.g., only when p-value <0.05);

(6) selections in reporting/summary (e.g., suppressing caveats); and

(7) selections in understanding and interpretation (e.g., our preference for deterministic, ‘common sense’ interpretation).”

Meng also addressed the problem of analyzing subgroup findings after not finding an association in the full sample, dubious algorithms, selection bias in publishing “splashy” and nominally “statistically significant” results, and media bias and incompetence in disseminating study results. Meng discussed how these biases could affect the accuracy of research findings, and how these biases obviously affect the accuracy, validity, and reliability of research findings that are relied upon by expert witnesses in court cases.

The Rapporteurs’ emphasis on Professor Meng’s presentation was noteworthy because the current edition of the Reference Manual is generally lacking in a serious exploration of systematic bias and confounding. To be sure, the concepts are superficially addressed in the Manual’s chapter on epidemiology, but in a way that has allowed many district judges to shrug off serious questions of invalidity with the shibboleth that such questions “to to the weight, not the admissibility,” of challenged expert witness opinion testimony. Perhaps the pending revision to Rule 702 will help improve fidelity to the spirit and text of Rule 702.

Questions of bias and noise have come to receive more attention in the professional statistical and epidemiologic literature. In 2009, Professor Timothy Lash published an important book-length treatment of quantitative bias analysis.[4] Last year, statistician David Hand published a comprehensive, but readily understandable, book on “Dark Data,” and the ways statistical and scientific interference are derailed.[5] One of the presenters at the February workshop, nobel laureate, Daniel Kahneman, published a book on “noise,” just a few weeks ago.[6]

David Hand’s book, Dark Data, (Chapter 10) sets out a useful taxonomy of the ways that data can be subverted by what the consumers of data do not know. The taxonomy would provide a useful organizational map for a new chapter of the Reference Manual:

A Taxonomy of Dark Data

Type 1: Data We Know Are Missing

Type 2: Data We Don’t Know Are Missing

Type 3: Choosing Just Some Cases

Type 4: Self- Selection

Type 5: Missing What Matters

Type 7: Changes with Time

Type 8: Definitions of Data

Type 9: Summaries of Data

Type 11: Feedback and Gaming

Type 12: Information Asymmetry

Type 13: Intentionally Darkened Data

Type 14: Fabricated and Synthetic Data

Type 15: Extrapolating beyond Your Data

Providing guidance not only on “how we know,” but also on how we go astray, patho-epistemology, would be helpful for judges and lawyers. Hand’s book really just a beginning to helping gatekeepers appreciate how superficially plausible health-effects claims are invalidated by the data relied upon by proffered expert witnesses.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“There ain’t no room for the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind, just to save his own, believe me now
Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner”

[1]Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence v4.0” (Feb. 28, 2021).

[2] Steven Kendall, Joe S. Cecil, Jason A. Cantone, Meghan Dunn, and Aaron Wolf.

[3] Prof. Meng is the Whipple V. N. Jones Professor of Statistics, in Harvard University. (“Seeking simplicity in statistics, complexity in wine, and everything else in fortune cookies.”)

[4] Timothy L. Lash, Matthew P. Fox, and Aliza K. Fink, Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data (2009).

[5] David J. Hand, Dark data : why what you don’t know matters (2020).

[6] Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass R. Sunstein, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment (2021).

Slide Rule 702

June 26th, 2021

Note: A “fatal error,” caused by an old theme has disrupted the layout of my website. I am working on it

The opposition to Daubert’s regime of gatekeeping by the lawsuit industry has been fierce. From the beginning, the resistance has found allies on the bench, who have made the application of Rule 702 to expert witnesses, in both civil and criminal, uneven at best. Back in 2015, Professor David Bernstein and Eric Lasker wrote an exposé, about the unlawful disregard of the statutory language of Rule 702, and they called for and proposed an amendment to the rule.[1] At the time, I was skeptical of unleashing a change through the rules committee, given the uncertainty of where any amendment might ultimately look like.[2]

In the last several years, there have been some notable applications of Rule 702 in litigation involving sertraline, atorvastatin, sildenafil, and other medications, but aberrant decisions have continued to upend the rule of law in the area of expert witness gatekeeping. Last year, I noted that I had come to see the wisdom of Professor Bernstein’s proposal,[3] in the light of continued judicial dodging of Rule 702.[4] Numerous lawyers and legal organizations have chimed in to urge a revision to Rule 702.[5]

Earlier this week, the Committee on Rules of Practice & Procedure rolled out a proposed draft of an amended Rule 702.[6] The proposed new rule looks very much like the current rule:[7]

  1. Rule Testimony by Expert Witnesses
  2. A witness   who   is   qualified   as   an   expert   by
  3. knowledge, skill,  experience,  training,  or  education may
  4. testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if the proponent
  5. has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that:
  6. (a) the  expert’s  scientific,  technical,  or  other
  7. specialized knowledge will help the trier of
  8. fact  to   understand   the   evidence   or   to
  9. determine a fact in issue;
  10. (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or
  11. data;
  12. (c) the  testimony  is  the  product  of  reliable
  13. principles and methods; and
  14. (d) the  expert  has  reliably  applied  expert’s
  15. opinion reflects a reliable application of the
  16. principles and methods to the facts of the
  17. case

Despite what looks like minor linguistic changes, the Rules Committee’s note suggests otherwise. First, the amendment is intended to emphasize that the burden of showing the admissibility requirements rests on the proponent of the challenged expert witness testimony. Of course, the burden of course has always been with the proponent, but some courts have deployed various strategems to shift the burden with conclusory assessments that the challenge “goes to the weight not the admissibility,” thereby dodging the judicial responsibility for gatekeeping. The Committee now would make clear that many courts have erred by having treated the “critical questions of the sufficiency of an expert’s basis, and the application of the expert’s methodology” as going to weight and not admissibility.[8]

The Committee appears, however, to be struggling to provide guidance on when challenges do raise “matters of weight rather than admissibility.” For instance, the Committee Note suggests that:

“nothing in the amendment requires the court to nitpick an expert’s opinion in order to reach a perfect expression of what the basis and methodology can support. The Rule 104(a) standard does not require perfection. On the other hand, it does not permit the expert to make extravagant claims that are unsupported by the expert’s basis and methodology.”[9]

Somehow, I fear that the mantra of “weight not admissibility” has been or will be replaced by refusals to nitpick an expert’s opinion. How many nits does it take to make a causal claim “extravant”?

Perhaps I am the one nitpicking now. The Committee has recognized the essential weakness of gatekeeping as frequently practiced in federal courts by emphasizing that judicial gatekeeping is “essential” and required by the institutional incompetence of jurors to determine whether expert witnesses have reliably applied sound methodology to the facts of the case:

“a trial judge must exercise gatekeeping authority with respect to the opinion ultimately expressed by a testifying expert. A testifying expert’s opinion must stay within the bounds of what can be concluded by a reliable application of the expert’s basis and methodology. Judicial gatekeeping is essential because just as jurors may be unable to evaluate meaningfully the reliability of scientific and other methods underlying expert opinion, jurors may also be unable to assess the conclusions of an expert that go beyond what the expert’s basis and methodology may reliably support.”[10]

If the sentiment of the Rule Committee’s draft note carries through to the Committee Note that accompanies the amended rule, then perhaps some good will come of this effort.

[1] David E. Bernstein & Eric G. Lasker,“Defending Daubert: It’s Time to Amend Federal Rule of Evidence 702,” 57 William & Mary L. Rev. 1 (2015).

[2]On Amending Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence” (Oct. 17, 2015).

[3]Should Federal Rule of Evidence 702 Be Amended?” (May 8, 2020).

[4]Dodgy Data Duck Daubert Decisions” (April 2, 2020); “Judicial Dodgers – The Crossexamination Excuse for Denying Rule 702 Motions” (May 11, 2020); “Judicial Dodgers – Reassigning the Burden of Proof on Rule 702” (May 13, 2020); “Judicial Dodgers – Weight not Admissibility” (May 28, 2020); “Judicial Dodgers – Rule 702 Tie Does Not Go to Proponent” (June 2, 2020).

[5] See, e.g., Daniel Higginbotham, “The Proposed Amendment to Federal Rule of

Evidence 702 – Will it Work?” IADC Products Liability Newsletter (March 2021); Cary Silverman, “Fact or Fiction: Ensuring the Integrity of Expert Testimony,” U.S. Chamber Instit. Leg. Reform (Feb. 2021); Thomas D. Schroeder, “Federal Courts, Practice & Procedure: Toward a More Apparent Approach to Considering the Admission of Expert Testimony,” 95 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2039, 2043 (2020); Lee Mickus, “Gatekeeping Reorientation: Amend Rule 702 To Correct Judicial Misunderstanding about Expert Evidence,” Wash. Leg. Foundation (May 2020)

13-18 (noting numerous cases that fail to honor the spirit and language of Rule 702); Lawyers for Civil Justice, “Comment to the Advisory Comm. on Evidence Rules and its Rule 702 Subcommittee; A Note about the Note: Specific Rejection of Errant Case Law is Necessary for the Success of an Amendment Clarifying Rule 702’s Admissibility Requirements 1 (Feb. 8, 2021) (arguing that “[t]he only unambiguous way for the Note to convey the intent of the amendment is to reject the specific offending caselaw by name.”).

[6] Committee on Rules of Practice & Procedure Agenda Book (June 22, 2021). See Email Cara Salvatore, “Court Rules Committee Moves to Stiffen Expert Standard,” Law360 (June 23, 2021).

[7] Id. at 836. The proposal has been the subject of submissions and debate for a while. See Jim Beck, “Civil Rules Committee Proposes to Toughen Rule 702,” Drug & Device Law (May 4, 2021).

[8] Committee on Rules of Practice & Procedure Agenda Book at 839 (June 22, 2021).

[9] Id.

[10] Id. at 838-39.

A Proclamation from the Task Force on Statistical Significance

June 21st, 2021

The American Statistical Association (ASA) has finally spoken up about statistical significance testing.[1] Sort of.

Back in February of this year, I wrote about the simmering controversy over statistical significance at the ASA.[2] Back in 2016, the ASA issued its guidance paper on p-values and statistical significance, which sought to correct misinterpretations and misrepresentations of “statistical significance.”[3] Lawsuit industry lawyers seized upon the ASA statement to proclaim a new freedom from having to exclude random error.[4] To obtain their ends, however, the plaintiffs’ bar had to distort the ASA guidance in statistically significant ways.

To add to the confusion, in 2019, the ASA Executive Director published an editorial that called for an end to statistical significance testing.[5] Because the editorial lacked disclaimers about whether or not it represented official ASA positions, scientists, statisticians, and lawyers on all sides were fooled into thinking the ASA had gone whole hog.[6] Then ASA President Karen Kafadar stepped into the breach to explain that the Executive Director was not speaking for the ASA.[7]

In November 2019, members of the ASA board of directors (BOD) approved a motion to create a “Task Force on Statistical Significance and Replicability.”[8] Its charge was

“to develop thoughtful principles and practices that the ASA can endorse and share with scientists and journal editors. The task force will be appointed by the ASA President with advice and participation from the ASA BOD. The task force will report to the ASA BOD by November 2020.

The members of the Task Force identified in the motion were:

Linda Young (Nat’l Agricultural Statistics Service & Univ. of Florida; Co-Chair)

Xuming He (Univ. Michigan; Co-Chair)

Yoav Benjamini (Tel Aviv Univ.)

Dick De Veaux (Williams College; ASA Vice President)

Bradley Efron (Stanford Univ.)

Scott Evans (George Washington Univ.; ASA Publications Representative)

Mark Glickman (Harvard Univ.; ASA Section Representative)

Barry Graubard (Nat’l Cancer Instit.)

Xiao-Li Meng (Harvard Univ.)

Vijay Nair (Wells Fargo & Univ. Michigan)

Nancy Reid (Univ. Toronto)

Stephen Stigler (Univ. Chicago)

Stephen Vardeman (Iowa State Univ.)

Chris Wikle (Univ. Missouri)

Tommy Wright (U.S. Census Bureau)

Despite the inclusion of highly accomplished and distinguished statisticians on the Task Force, there were isolated demurrers. Geoff Cumming, for one, clucked:

“Why won’t statistical significance simply whither and die, taking p <. 05 and maybe even p-values with it? The ASA needs a Task Force on Statistical Inference and Open Science, not one that has its eye firmly in the rear view mirror, gazing back at .05 and significance and other such relics.”[9]

Despite the clucking, the Taskforce arrived at its recommendations, but curiously, its report did not find a home in an ASA publication. Instead, the “The ASA President’s Task Force Statement on Statistical Significance and Replicability” has now appeared as an “in press” publication at The Annals of Applied Statistics, where Karen Kafadar is the editor in chief.[10] The report is accompanied by an editorial by Kafadar.[11]

The Taskforce advanced five basic propositions, which may have been obscured by some of the recent glosses on the ASA 2016 p-value statement:

  1. “Capturing the uncertainty associated with statistical summaries is critical.”
  2. “Dealing with replicability and uncertainty lies at the heart of statistical science. Study results are replicable if they can be verified in further studies with new data.”
  3. “The theoretical basis of statistical science offers several general strategies for dealing with uncertainty.”
  4. “Thresholds are helpful when actions are required.”
  5. “P-values and significance tests, when properly applied and interpreted, increase the rigor of the conclusions drawn from data.”

All of this seems obvious and anodyne, but I suspect it will not silence the clucking.

[1] Deborah Mayo, “Alas! The ASA President’s Task Force Statement on Statistical Significance and Replicability,” Error Statistics (June 20, 2021).

[2]Falsehood Flies – The ASA 2016 Statement on Statistical Significance” (Feb. 26, 2021).

[3] Ronald L. Wasserstein & Nicole A. Lazar, “The ASA’s Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose,” 70 The Am. Statistician 129 (2016); see “The American Statistical Association’s Statement on and of Significance” (March 17, 2016).

[4]The American Statistical Association Statement on Significance Testing Goes to Court – Part I” (Nov. 13, 2018); “The American Statistical Association Statement on Significance Testing Goes to Court – Part 2” (Mar. 7, 2019).

[5]Has the American Statistical Association Gone Post-Modern?” (Mar. 24, 2019); “American Statistical Association – Consensus versus Personal Opinion” (Dec. 13, 2019). See also Deborah G. Mayo, “The 2019 ASA Guide to P-values and Statistical Significance: Don’t Say What You Don’t Mean,” Error Statistics Philosophy (June 17, 2019); B. Haig, “The ASA’s 2019 update on P-values and significance,” Error Statistics Philosophy  (July 12, 2019); Brian Tarran, “THE S WORD … and what to do about it,” Significance (Aug. 2019); Donald Macnaughton, “Who Said What,” Significance 47 (Oct. 2019).

[6] Ronald L. Wasserstein, Allen L. Schirm, and Nicole A. Lazar, “Editorial: Moving to a World Beyond ‘p < 0.05’,” 73 Am. Statistician S1, S2 (2019).

[7] Karen Kafadar, “The Year in Review … And More to Come,” AmStat News 3 (Dec. 2019) (emphasis added); see Kafadar, “Statistics & Unintended Consequences,” AmStat News 3,4 (June 2019).

[8] Karen Kafadar, “Task Force on Statistical Significance and Replicability,” ASA Amstat Blog (Feb. 1, 2020).

[9] See, e.g., Geoff Cumming, “The ASA and p Values: Here We Go Again,” The New Statistics (Mar. 13, 2020).

[10] Yoav Benjamini, Richard D. DeVeaux, Bradly Efron, Scott Evans, Mark Glickman, Barry Braubard, Xuming He, Xiao Li Meng, Nancy Reid, Stephen M. Stigler, Stephen B. Vardeman, Christopher K. Wikle, Tommy Wright, Linda J. Young, and Karen Kafadar, “The ASA President’s Task Force Statement on Statistical Significance and Replicability,” 15 Annals of Applied Statistics 2021, available at

[11] Karen Kafadar, “Editorial: Statistical Significance, P-Values, and Replicability,” 15 Annals of Applied Statistics 2021, available at

Judge Jack B. Weinstein – A Remembrance

June 17th, 2021

There is one less force of nature in the universe. Judge Jack Bertrand Weinstein died earlier this week, about two months shy of a century.[1] His passing has been noticed by the media, lawyers, and legal scholars[2]. In its obituary, the New York Times noted that Weinstein was known for his “bold jurisprudence and his outsize personality,” and that he was “revered, feared, and disparaged.” The obituary quoted Professor Peter H. Schuck, who observed that Weinstein was “something of a benevolent despot.”

As an advocate, I found Judge Weinstein to be anything but fearsome. His jurisprudence was often driven by intellectual humility rather than boldness or despotism. One area in which Judge Weinstein was diffident and restrained was in his exercise of gatekeeping of expert witness opinion. He, and his friend, the late Professor Margaret Berger, were opponents of giving trial judges discretion to exclude expert witness opinions on ground of validity and reliability. Their antagonism to gatekeeping was, no doubt, partly due to their sympathies for injured plaintiffs and their realization that plaintiffs’ expert witnesses often come up with dodgy scientific opinions to advance plaintiffs’ claims. In part, however, Judge Weinstein’s antagonism was due to his skepticism about judicial competence and his own intellectual humility.

Although epistemically humble, Judge Weinstein was not incurious. His interest in scientific issues occasionally got him into trouble, as when he was beguiled by Dr. Irving Selikoff and colleagues, who misled him on aspects of the occupational medicine of asbestos exposure. In 1990, Judge Weinstein issued a curious mea culpa. Because of a trial in progress, Judge Weinstein, along with state judge (Justice Helen Freedman), attended an ex parte private luncheon meeting with Dr. Selikoff. Here is how Judge Weinstein described the event:

“But what I did may have been even worse [than Judge Kelly’s conduct that led to his disqualification]. A state judge and I were attempting to settle large numbers of asbestos cases. We had a private meeting with Dr. Irwin [sic] J. Selikoff at his hospital office to discuss the nature of his research. He had never testified and would never testify. Nevertheless, I now think that it was a mistake not to have informed all counsel in advance and, perhaps, to have had a court reporter present and to have put that meeting on the record.”[3]

Judge Weinstein’s point about Selikoff’s having never testified was demonstrably false, but I impute no scienter for false statements to the judge. The misrepresentation almost certainly originated with Selikoff. Dr. Selikoff had testified frequently up to the point at which he and plaintiffs’ counsel realized that his shaky credentials and his pronouncements on “state of the art,” were hurtful to the plaintiffs’ cause. Even if Selikoff had not been an accomplished testifier, any disinterested observer should, by 1990, have known that Selikoff was himself not a disinterested actor in medical asbestos controversies.[4] The meeting with Selikoff apparently weighed on Judge Weinstein’s conscience. He repeated his mea culpa almost verbatim, along with the false statement about Selikoff’s never having testified, in a law review article in 1994, and then incorporated the misrepresentation into a full-length book.[5]

In his famous handling of the Agent Orange class action, Judge Weinstein manipulated the defendants into settling, and only then applied his considerable analytical ability in dissecting the inadequacies of the plaintiffs’ causation case. Rather than place the weight of his decision on Rule 702, Judge Weinstein dismembered the causation claim by finding that the bulk of what the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses relied upon under Rule 703 was unreasonable. He then found that what remained, if anything, could not reasonably support a verdict for plaintiffs, and he entered summary judgment for the defense in the opt-out cases.[6]

In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court breathed fresh life into the trial court’s power and obligation to review expert witness opinions and to exclude unsound opinions.[7] Several months before the Supreme Court charted this new direction on expert witness testimony, the silicone breast implant litigation, fueled by iffy science and iffier scientists, erupted.[8] In October 1994, the Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigation created MDL 926, which consolidated the federal breast implant cases before Judge Sam Pointer, in the Northern District of Alabama. Unlike most contemporary MDL judges, however, Judge Pointer did not believe that Rule 702 and 703 objections should be addressed by the MDL judge. Pointer believed strongly that the trial judges, in the individual, remanded cases, should rule on objections to the validity of proffered expert witness opinion testimony. As a result, so-called Daubert hearings began taking place in district courts around the country, in parallel with other centralized proceedings in MDL 926.

By the summer of 1996, Judge Robert E. Jones had a full-blown Rule 702 attack on the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses before him, in a case remanded from MDL 926. In the face of the plaintiffs’ MDL leadership committee’s determined opposition, Judge Jones appointed four independent scientists to serve as scientific advisors. With their help, in December 1996, Judge Jones issued one of the seminal rulings in the breast implant litigation, and excluded the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses.[9]

While Judge Jones was studying the record, and writing his opinion in the Hall case, Judge Weinstein, with a judge from the Southern District of New York, conducted a two-week Rule 702 hearing, in his Brooklyn courtroom. Judge Weinstein announced at the outset that he had studied the record from the Hall case, and that he would incorporate it into his record for the cases remanded to the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York.

I had one of the first witnesses, Dr. Donnard Dwyer, before Judge Weinstein during that chilly autumn of 1996. Dwyer was a very earnest immunologist, who appeared on direct examination to endorse the methodological findings of the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses, including a very dodgy study by Dr. Douglas Shanklin. On cross-examination, I elicited Dwyer’s view that the Shanklin study involved fraudulent methodology and that he, Dwyer, would never use such a method or allow a graduate student to use it. This examination, of course, was great fun, and as I dug deeper with relish, Judge Weinstein stopped me, and asked rhetorically to the plaintiffs’ counsel, whether any of them intended to rely upon the discredited Shanklin study. My main adversary Mike Williams did not miss a beat; he jumped to his feet to say no, and that he did not know why I was belaboring this study. But then Denise Dunleavy, of Weitz & Luxenberg, knowing that Shanklin was her listed expert witness in many cases, rose to say that her expert witnesses would rely upon the Shanklin study. Incredulous, Weinstein looked at me, rolled his eyes, paused dramatically, and then waved his hand at me to continue.

Later in my cross-examination, I was inquiring about another study that reported a statistic from a small sample. The authors reported a confidence interval that included negative values for a test that could not have had any result less than zero. The sample was obviously skewed, and the authors had probably used an inappropriate parametric test, but Dwyer was about to commit to the invalidity of the study when Judge Weinstein stopped me. He was well aware that the normal approximation had created the aberrant result, and that perhaps the authors only sin was in failing to use a non-parametric test. I have not had many trial judges interfere so knowledgably.

In short order, on October 23, 1996, Judge Weinstein issued a short, published opinion, in which he ducked the pending Rule 702 motions, and he granted partial summary judgment on the claims of systemic disease.[10] Only the lawyers involved in the matters would have known that there was no pending motion for summary judgment!

Following up with grant of summary judgment, Judge Weinstein appointed a group of scientists and a legal scholar, to help him assemble a panel of Rule 706 expert witnesses for future remanded case. Law Professor Margaret Berger, along with Drs. Joel Cohen and Alan Wolff, began meeting with the lawyers to identify areas of expertise needed by the court, and what the process of court-appointment of neutral expert witnesses would look like.

The plaintiffs’ counsel were apoplectic. They argued to Judge Weinstein that Judge Pointer, in the MDL, should be supervising the process of assembling court-appointed experts. Of course, the plaintiffs’ lawyers knew that Judge Pointer, unlike Judges Jones and Weinstein, believed that both sides’ expert witnesses were extreme, and mistakenly believed that the truth lay between. Judge Pointer was an even bigger foe of gatekeeping, and he was generally blind to the invalid evidence put forward by plaintiffs. In response to the plaintiffs’ counsel’s, Judge Weinstein sardonically observed that if there were a real MDL judge, he should take it over.

Within a month or so, Judge Pointer did, in fact, take over the court-appointed expert witness process, and incorporated Judge Weinstein’s selection panel. The process did not going very smoothly in front of the MDL judge, who allowed the plaintiffs lawyers to slow down the process by throwing in irrelevant documents and deploying rhetorical tricks. The court-appointed expert witnesses did not take kindly to the shenanigans, or to the bogus evidence. The expert panel’s unanimous rejection of the plaintiffs’ claims of connective tissue disease causation was an expensive, but long overdue judgment from which there was no appeal. Not many commentators, however, know that the panel would never have happened but for Judge Weinstein’s clever judicial politics.

In April 1997, while Judge Pointer was getting started with the neutral expert selection panel,[11] the parties met with Judge Weinstein one last time to argue the defense motions to exclude the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses. Invoking the pendency of the Rule 706 court-appointed expert witness processs in the MDL, Judge Weinstein quickly made his view clear that he would not rule on the motions. His Honor also made clear that if we pressed for a ruling, he would deny our motions, even though he had also ruled that plaintiffs’ could not make out a submissible case on causation.

I recall still the frustration that we, the defense counsel, felt that April day, when Judge Weinstein tried to explain why he would grant partial summary judgment but not rule on our motions contra plaintiffs’ expert witnesses. It would be many years later, before he let his judicial assessment see the light of day. Two decades and then some later, in a law review article, Judge Weinstein made clear that “[t]he breast implant litigation was largely based on a litigation fraud. …  Claims—supported by medical charlatans—that enormous damages to women’s systems resulted could not be supported.”[12] Indeed.

Judge Weinstein was incredibly smart and diligent, but he was human with human biases and human fallibilities. If he was a despot, he was at least kind and benevolent. In my experience, he was always polite to counsel and accommodating. Appearing before Judge Weinstein was a pleasure and an education.

[1] Laura Mansnerus, “Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99,” N.Y. Times (June 15, 2021).

[2] Christopher J. Robinette, “Judge Jack Weinstein 1921-2021,” TortsProf Blog (June 15, 2021).

[3] Jack B. Weinstein, “Learning, Speaking, and Acting: What Are the Limits for Judges?” 77 Judicature 322, 326 (May-June 1994).

[4]Selikoff Timeline & Asbestos Litigation History” (Dec. 20, 2018).

[5] See Jack B. Weinstein, “Limits on Judges’ Learning, Speaking and Acting – Part I- Tentative First Thoughts: How May Judges Learn?” 36 Ariz. L. Rev. 539, 560 (1994) (“He [Selikoff] had never testified and would never testify.”); Jack B. Weinstein, Individual Justice in Mass Tort Litigation: The Effect of Class Actions, Consolidations, and other Multi-Party Devices 117 (1995) (“A court should not coerce independent eminent scientists, such as the late Dr. Irving Selikoff, to testify if, like he, they prefer to publish their results only in scientific journals.”)

[6] In re Agent Orange Product Liab. Litig., 597 F. Supp. 740, 785 (E.D.N.Y. 1984), aff’d 818 F.2d 145, 150-51 (2d Cir. 1987)(approving district court’s analysis), cert. denied sub nom. Pinkney v. Dow Chemical Co., 487 U.S. 1234 (1988);  In re “Agent Orange” Prod. Liab. Litig., 611 F. Supp. 1223 (E.D.N.Y. 1985), aff’d, 818 F.2d 187 (2d Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 487 U.S. 1234 (1988).

[7] Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993).

[8] Reuters, “Record $25 Million Awarded In Silicone-Gel Implants Case,” N.Y. Times (Dec. 24, 1992).

[9] See Hall v. Baxter Healthcare Corp., 947 F. Supp. 1387 (D. Ore. 1996).

[10] In re Breast Implant Cases, 942 F. Supp. 958 (E.& S.D.N.Y. 1996).

[11] MDL 926 Order 31 (May 31, 1996) (order to show cause why a national Science Panel should not be appointed under Federal Rule of Evidence 706); MDL 926 Order No. 31C (Aug. 23, 1996) (appointing Drs. Barbara S. Hulka, Peter Tugwell, and Betty A. Diamond); Order No. 31D (Sept. 17, 1996) (appointing Dr. Nancy I. Kerkvliet).

[12] Hon. Jack B. Weinstein, “Preliminary Reflections on Administration of Complex Litigation” 2009 Cardozo L. Rev. de novo 1, 14 (2009) (emphasis added).

Scientists Suing Scientists, and Behaving Badly

June 2nd, 2021

In his 1994 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, the Hungarian born chemist George Andrew Olah acknowledged an aspect of science that rarely is noted in popular discussions:

“[One] way of dealing with errors is to have friends who are willing to spend the time necessary to carry out a critical examination of the experimental design beforehand and the results after the experiments have been completed. An even better way is to have an enemy. An enemy is willing to devote a vast amount of time and brain power to ferreting out errors both large and small, and this without any compensation. The trouble is that really capable enemies are scarce; most of them are only ordinary. Another trouble with enemies is that they sometimes develop into friends and lose a good deal of their zeal. It was in this way the writer lost his three best enemies. Everyone, not just scientists, need a few good enemies!”[1]

If you take science seriously, you must take error as something for which we should always be vigilant, and something we are committed to eliminate. As Olah and Von Békésy have acknowledged, sometimes an enemy is required. It would thus seem to be quite unscientific to complain that an enemy was harassing you, when she was criticizing your data, study design, methods, or motives.

Elisabeth Margaretha Harbers-Bik would be a good enemy to have. Trained in the Netherlands in microbiology, Dr. Bik came to the United States, where for some years she conducted research at Stanford University. In 2018, Bik began in earnest a new career in analyzing published scientific studies for image duplication and manipulation, and other dubious practices.[2]

Her blog, Scientific Integrity Digest, should be on the reading list of every lawyer who labors in the muck of science repurposed for litigation. You never know when your adversary’s expert witness will be featured in the pages of the Digest!

Dr. Bik is not a lone ranger; there are other scientists who have committed to cleaning up the scientific literature. After an illustrious career as an editor of prestigious journals, and a director of the Rockefeller University Press, Dr. Mike Rossner founded Image Data Integrity, Inc., to stamp out image fraud and error in scientific publications.

On March 16, 2020, a gaggle of French authors, including Dr. Didier Raoult, uploaded a pre-print of a paper to medRxiv, reporting on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin in Covid-19 patients. The authors submitted their manuscript that same day to the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, which accepted it in 24 hours or less, on March 17, 2020. The journal published the paper online, three days after acceptance, on March 20th. Peer-review, to the extent it took place, was abridged.[3]

The misleading title of the paper, “Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial,” may have led some untutored observers into thinking the paper reported a study high in the hierachy of evidence. Instead the paper was a rather flawed observational study, or perhaps just a concatenation of anecdotes. In any event, the authors reported that patients who had received both medications cleared the SARS-CoV2 the fastest.

Four days after publication online at a supposedly peer-reviewed journal, Elisabeth Bik posted an insightful analysis of the Raoult paper.[4] If peer review it were, her blog post pointed out the review’s failure by identifying an apparent conflict of interest and various methodological flaws, including missing data on six (out of 26) patients, including one patient who died, and three whose conditions worsened on therapy.

Raoult’s paper, and his overly zealous advocacy for HCQ did not go unnoticed in the world of kooks, speculators, and fraudfeasors. Elon Musk tweeted about Raoult’s paper; and Fox News amplified Musk’s tweet, which made it into the swamp of misinformation, Trump’s mind and his twitterverse.[5]

In the wake of the hoopla over Raoult’s paper, the journal owner admitted that the paper did not live up to the society’s standards. The publisher, Elsevier, called for an independent investigation. The French Infectious Diseases Society accused Raoult of spreading false information about hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in Covid-19 patients. To date, there has been no further official discussions of disciplinary actions or proceedings at the Society.

Raoult apparently stewed over Bik’s criticisms and debunking of his over-interpretation of his flawed HCQ study.  Last month, Raoult filed a complaint with a French prosecutor, which marked the commencement of legal proceedings against Bik for harassment and “extortion.” The extortion charge is based upon nothing more than Bik’s having a Patreon account to support her search for fraud and error in the published medical literature.[6]

The initial expression of outrage over Marseille Raoult’s bad behavior came from Citizen4Science, a French not-for-profit organization that works to promote scientific integrity. According to Dr. Fabienne Blum, president of Citizen4Science, the organization issued its press release on May 5, 2021, to call on authorities to investigate and to intervene in Raoult’s harassment of scientists. Their press release about “the French scandal” was signed by scientists and non-scientists from around the world; it currently remains open for signatures, which number well over 4,000. “Harassment of scientific spokespersons and defenders of scientific integrity: Citizen4Science calls on the authorities to intervene urgently” (May 5, 2021). Dr. Blum and Citizen4Science are now harassed on Twitter, where they have been labeled “Bik’s gang.” Inevitably, they will be sued as well.

On June 1st, Dr. Raoult posted his self-serving take on the controversy on that scholarly forum known as YouTube. An English translation of Raoult’s diatribe can be found at Citizen4Science’s website. Perhaps others have noted that Raoult refers to Bik as “Madame” (or Mrs.) Bik, rather than as Dr. Bik, which leads to some speculation that Raoult has trouble taking criticism from intelligent women.

Having projected his worst characteristics onto adversaries, Raoult lodged accusations against Bik, which actually reflected his own behaviors closely. Haven’t we seen someone in public life who operates just like this? Raoult has criticized Bik in the lay media, and he released personal information about her, including her residential address. Raoult’s intemperate and inappropriate personal attacks on Bik have led several hundred scientists to sign an open letter in support of Bik.[7]

This scientist doth protest too much, methinks.

[1] George Andrew Olah Nobel Prize Speech (1994) (quoting from George Von Békésy, Experiments in Hearing 8 (1960).

[2] Elisabeth M. Bik, Arturo Casadevall, and Ferric C. Fang, “The Prevalence of Inappropriate Image Duplication in Biomedical Research Publications,” 7 mBio e00809 (2016); Daniele Fanelli, Rodrigo Costas, Ferric C. Fang, Arturo Casadevall, Elisabeth M. Bik, “Testing Hypotheses on Risk Factors for Scientific Misconduct via Matched-Control Analysis of Papers Containing Problematic Image Duplications,” 25 Science & Engineering Ethics 771 (2019); see also Jayashree Rajagopalan, “I have found about 2,000 problematic papers, says Dr. Elisabeth Bik,” Editage Insights (Aug 08, 2019).

[3] Philippe Gautret, Jean-Christophe Lagier, Philippe Parola, Van Thuan Hoang, Line Meddeb, Morgane Mailhe, Barbara Doudier, Johan Courjon, Valérie Giordanengo, Vera Esteves Vieira, Hervé Tissot Dupont, Stéphane Honoré, Philippe Colson, Eric Chabrière, Bernard La Scola, Jean-Marc Rolain, Philippe Brouqui, and Didier Raoult, “Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial,” 56 Clinical Trial Internat’l J. Antimicrob. Agents e105949 (2020).

[4] Bik, “Thoughts on the Gautret et al. paper about Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin treatment of COVID-19 infections,” Scientific Integrity Digest (March 24, 2020).

[5] Charles Piller, “‘This is insane!’ Many scientists lament Trump’s embrace of risky malaria drugs for coronavirus,” Science Mag. (Mar. 26, 2020).

[6] Melissa Davey, “World expert in scientific misconduct faces legal action for challenging integrity of hydroxychloroquine study,” The Guardian (May 22, 2021); Kristina Fiore, “HCQ Doc Sues Critic,” MedPage Today (May 26, 2021).

[7] Lonni Besançon, Alexander Samuel, Thibault Sana, Mathieu Rebeaud, Anthony Guihur, Marc Robinson-Rechavi, Nicolas Le Berre, Matthieu Mulot, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Maisonneuve, Brian A. Nosek, “Open Letter: Scientists stand up to protect academic whistleblowers and post-publication peer review,” (May 18, 2021).

The opinions, statements, and asseverations expressed on Tortini are my own, or those of invited guests, and these writings do not necessarily represent the views of clients, friends, or family, even when supported by good and sufficient reason.