Hagiography of Selikoff

The October 2015, Volume 58, Issue 10, is a “Special Issue” of the American Journal of Industrial Medicine dedicated to “Historical Perspectives,” of Selikoff.  No serious historian need have applied; the collection consists of short articles by adulatory former students, and from the voice of Big Labor’s heavy hand on medical research, Sheldon Samuels. Still, students of the Selikoff phenomenon might find the ramblings of “The Lobby” revealing of its preoccupations and prejudices.


Henry A. Anderson, “Reflections on the legacy of Irving J. Selikoff, MD, on the 100th anniversary of his birth,” 58 Am. J. Indus. Med. 1013 (2015)

Philip J. Landrigan, “Irving J. Selikoff, MD January 15, 1915–May 20, 1992,” 58 Am. J. Indus. Med. 1015 (2015)

Albert Miller, “From the clinic to the field: Joint pulmonary medicine—environmental sciences laboratory investigations, 1973–1992 and beyond,” 58 Am. J. Indus. Med. 1017 (2015)

Morris Greenberg, “In commemoration of Irving J. Selikoff,” 58 Am. J. Indus. Med. 1025 (2015)

Sheldon Samuels, “The rise of a Titan: Irving J. Selikoff and his campaign for independent science,” 58 Am. J. Indus. Med. 1028 (2015)

Irving J. Selikoff MD, photographs (pages 1021–1024)